Chapter 18

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His room was dark, that was the first thing I noticed.

The second thing I noticed was the size of the room, how it was pretty much exactly like Masters except for the placement of his furniture.

The last thing I noticed was Doe sitting in a cage in the corner of the room, her eyes opening slowly as if she was just waking up.

Her eyes then bulged at the sight of me, the sound of a gasp entering her lips before she looked at Xander.

That was the last thing I saw before he closed the door, cutting off most of the light that was entering into the room. I could barely see anything more than three feet ahead of me.

I took a long shaky breath as I turned towards Xander, freezing under his suddenly confident gaze.

His mossy green eyes shone through the dark as all vampires eyes did.

His familiar grin made a quick appearance, instinctively making me take a step back.

The slim hope I had of those files even existing quickly disappeared.

What have I done?

"You know Khloe," He started, taking a slow step towards me, "I never really understood why vampires should have to drink blood from a glass when we have perfectly capable humans living in our presence."

My breath hitched at the air around me started to feel thicker, making it more difficult to breathe.

I stepped back as he took another step forward, my heart thundering in my chest.

"It's always seemed like a lost cause to me you know? I mean why should we drink garbage when we could feel the rush of something alive every time?"

My chest was beginning to hurt.

"But, I guess it makes some sort of sense. I guess not being able to drink from my own pet has enlightened me on that," He chuckled softly," it still tastes like trash though."

A sharp gasp ripped from my throat as my back hit the front of his bed.

"To be completely honest with you I'm sick and tired of drinking that shit. But still, I had to follow the doctor's orders." He paused once he was right in front of me, greedily staring down at me, "And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he say I could get what I wanted from one of my friend's pets?"

He looked at me like he was waiting for an answer.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't move.

"And that, dear," He leaned down a bit, lifting my chin up with his finger, "is why you're here."

Greed flashed behind his eyes as his grin grew enough to flash one of his fangs.

I didn't even have time to react before he grabbed me and the world became a blur.

I found myself lying face-up on his bed, my arms tied above my head by something I couldn't really distinguish

Panic and fear exploded in my head at the same time as I struggled to get out, realizing that not only were my wrists bound, but they were bound to his headboard.

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