Chapter 81

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(Chpt 80 in Khloe's POV)
Khloe's POV:

His body stiffened as soon as I spoke.

And to be honest, so did mine.

This conversation had been on my mind ever since last night and I just wanted to hurry and get it over with.

Get it over with and get some answers.

My anticipation grew as Nico put his hands into his pockets.

"I did," he replied, he himself sounding nervous.

My shoulders slumped a bit at his lack of a response, making my nerves even more on edge.

It was like he was avoiding the questions at hand.

Not that I had actually asked a question but it thought that I had implied it quite well.

"Why?" I asked, my true confused feelings leaking into my voice.

His brows shot up before they slowly furrowed in thought.

I wanted nothing more than to know what he was thinking at this moment.

I wanted to know what exactly every thought he has had about this.

About me.

I wanted all this uncertainty to be gone from my mind.

Nico let out a small sigh as he took another step towards me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I completely fell for you?" He asked with a small nervous laugh towards the end.

I didn't even try to control my surprise as I processed his words.

Did I hear him right?

I swallowed hard.

Did he really just say what I thought he said?

I didn't even feel like I could trust my own ears at this point.

I heard nothing but seriousness in his voice, yet I still felt like I needed some sort of confirmation.

"W-What?" I questioned.

His words seemed so absolutely impossible, yet deep inside, I was craving for them to be true.

"Khloe," He began timidly, "I couldn't tell you exactly when, or exactly how, but I fell for you. I-"

He stopped, his eyes turning away from me.

"Ever since I found out, I just stayed quiet about it, knowing that the idea of falling for a human was... Not normal. I thought that if I just didn't mention it, that it would just go away but I just kept getting more and more captivated with you. With every single thing about you. I just kept falling deeper and deeper into it not even trying to stop. I started picturing you in my life from here on out, searching for ways to let you be with me forever."

He stopped again, allowing my thoughts to catch up with me.

Thoughts that were so undeniable, yet so hard to believe.

I guess I had been holding them back for so long that now that what he was saying was right in front of me, I was still nervous about accepting his words.

His words that made tears of happiness and relief threated to flow from my eyes.

"The thought of losing you made me lose my mind, the thought of you in pain or upset made me angry. It got to the point that the only things that would remedy those thoughts would be hearing your laugh or seeing your smile." He smiled and laughed a bit himself, "I couldn't get you off of my mind no matter how much I tried."

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