Chapter 39

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Khloe's POV:

I looked out at the extensive line that held everyone in this city that was both old enough and healthy enough to give their blood.

Whether they were willing or not wasn't really their choice.

If it was then I doubt anyone would be here.

This collection wasn't like the typical blood donation where a doctor gets the blood from your elbow. No, the vampires running the operation got the blood from the person's neck with a larger than usual needle so the process wouldn't take that long. Something about the oxygenated blood that traveled to the brain peeked the vampires liking enough for them to only want to take from that spot.

I let out a quiet sigh, crossing my arms against my body in an effort to feel a bit warmer.

We had gotten here about an hour ago, before the set time that people were supposed to be getting in line. Xander and Nico had both given the vampire in charge of the actual blood collecting the list of names as well as the blood types that went with them.

From there Xander and Nico have just been sitting on these large cushioned benches that sat outside the small building, keeping watch over the people in line and making sure that no one tried anything they would regret.

Luckily, Nico allowed me to sit next to him, whereas Doe was left sitting on the ground, shivering at the cold.

I mean, I was shivering too, but at least I had warmer clothes on than she did.

This time, Nico sighed, resting his elbow on the armrest and leaning away from me.

Nothing had happened concerning the people and I could tell that this was a pretty boring job.

Xander wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was bored. His eyes were fixed into a narrow glare as his eyes shifted around, making sure that if someone stepped out of line even an inch, he would be the one to catch them and punish them.

I wasn't really bored per say, I was pretty much used to sitting around and doing nothing from my time in the pet shop.

I brought my knees up onto the bench, hugging them against my chest.

Except the pet shop wasn't this cold.

Even though it wasn't snowing right now it was still freezing.

Still, I tried not to think about it, focusing on the people in the city instead.

Their faces were all blank as they stood as still as they could in line.

I think a recognized only a few people, and luckily no one had sent anything more than a glance in my direction.

The vampires sitting next to me intimidated them enough to keep them looking straight ahead.

I hugged my knees closer to my body, resting my head on them.

I knew that this was nowhere near being over so I wanted to make my body heat last as long as it could.


I turned my head up towards Nico, meeting his sideways glance.

"Stand up." He finished.

I rose a brow, lifting my head a bit more, "W-what?"

Why would he want me to do that?

His brows rose a bit giving me that 'Are you really going to make me say it again?' look.

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