More Letters (Ch 3)

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I remembered that day so clearly. It was one of my saddest but most precious memories. Unfortunately, that summer after my first school year away, I had been put into an internship at BCBG so I wasn’t able to make it back home. It devastated the both of us, but we continued our communication through letters. The telephone was nearly impossible with my busy schedule, and apparently Jake’s. Each summer after that, I had to continue my year long internship, so no LaPush and no Jake.

It was now late October and I was finally finished with everything. I had graduated out of LFI last June and my internship ended in two weeks. It was finally time for me to go home. Just thinking about it made me feel like that fourteen year old kid again back at LaPush with Jake, Embry, Jared and the rest. I really did miss my boys. Now all I had to do was survive these next thirteen days at work.

Completely forgetting about my tea, I ran to the living room, picking up my stationary and pen.


“Seth.” I growled in irritation. “Shut up.” The kid had been going at it for five minutes now, talking about catching Jared and Kim in the shed last night.

He looked at me, his eyes squinted. “What crawled up your ass?”

“You.” I stated simply, getting out of my chair and stepping off my front porch.

And of course, he followed along. “What are we doing today, Jake?”

I sighed, continuing to walk ahead of him with no particular destination in mind. “I don’t know, Seth. Did you ask Sam?”

“Well, I would” He walked beside me, finally having caught up. “But last time I asked him he just said, ‘use your wolf telepathy’” He imitated Sam’s deep voice. Which sounded really ridiculous coming from the usually high pitched Seth.

I chuckled at the youngest of the pack. “Aaand?”

“Well it doesn’t work if I’m not phased!” He exclaimed, his dark hair sticking on end since this morning made him look even crazier.

“Huh! Imagine that!” I chuckled once more, punching him in the arm.

“Ow!” He grumbled, rubbing the sore spot. “Do you seem to be forgetting that you’re the biggest after Sam and that I’m just the runt of the pack?”

I stopped short and turned to him. “Well you sure as hell don’t act like you’re the runt.”

“Well that’s just it! My strong personality makes up for it” He defended.

“Annoying personality, Seth.” I corrected, a bemused expression across my face as I headed over to Sam’s and Emily’s.

As I walked through the door, I was greeted by four other burly guys seated around the living room, a piled plate in each one’s hand. Sometimes I felt bad for Emily, actually, I always felt bad for Emily. Being Sam’s fiancé, kind of also gave her the responsibility of always hosting us. Strangely enough, I don’t think she minded it one bit. She came from a small family, so she liked the company I guess.

“Yo Jake, where were you this morning?” Quil called, from where he sat in between Embry and Jared.

“Oh Sweet, Bacon!” Seth exclaimed and rushed into the kitchen.

I shook my head and took a seat in the open arm chair. “At my house, why?”

Quil shrugged, shoveling in another sausage. “you’re usually over here in the morning, but you haven’t been for the past few days.”

I shrugged back; they didn’t need to know why I was staying home a little longer each morning. I take advantage of the fact that I can keep my thoughts to myself when I’m in human form.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt