Breakfast for The Boys (Ch 18)

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My eyes snapped open, my chest heaving up and down as I looked through the dim light of my room. That dream was so.. real. And strange. I ran my hand over my face and through my sweat matted hair. My breathing finally steadied back to normal as I laid awake thinking about what I had just scene. That big wolf thing wasn’t a regular wolf. It was enormous. It reminded me of Billy’s stories. Maybe that’s why I had that dream.. I looked beside me at the clock to see the glowing numbers reading 6:47. Ugh. Up way too early. I knew I wasn’t going to get much sleep after that, so I decided to start my morning early. The house was quiet, so I knew nobody was awake yet. It was finally the weekend, so Emily got a break from making the breakfast so early for Jake, Embry, and Jared before they rushed off to school. I decided to stay in my pajamas until I had to change into my hiking clothes. I didn’t even know what to wear for that- I was too used to the city life. I’d definitely have to ask Emily. I walked out my room and down the stairs, trying my best not to make them creak too much and wake the two upstairs. Everything was lit by the light from outside, so I wasn’t so paranoid about being alone down here. I headed straight off into the kitchen to figure out just exactly what I would be making for breakfast- it would definitely be a great surprise for Emily. And there really wasn’t anything else to do. As soon as I walked in, I saw a shadow crouched over on the kitchen table. Immediately, I heard my own scream bounce off the kitchen walls as I threw myself back against the wall. The figure also jumped and a familiar scream blended with mine. Seth. The window blinds weren’t open so I couldn’t see that it was him, but I knew it was just by his scream.

“Seth! What are you doing here?” I regained my composure and turned on the light.

He was standing near the table in just a pair of black shorts and his hair sticking in every direction.

“What are YOU doing here?” He exclaimed, running his hand through the mess atop his head.

I gave him a look. “I live here. What’s your excuse?”

“I meant at this hour! Shouldn’t you be sleeping? It’s a weekend.”

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” I repeated. What the hell was wrong with this boy?

“Sam called me, he needs my help in the shop.” He explained.

“Oh, I thought the shop doesn’t open on weekends.” I took at seat at the table beside him.

He shrugged, “Sometimes it does.”

I nodded, “Just you or should I be expecting the rest of them to be lurking around here?”

He yawned, clearly exhausted. I guess I had woke him up with my scream. “Embry and Paul too. There are five customers coming in today. Sam over-scheduled himself. Again.”

I was a little relieved. Jake and I were supposed to spend the day together and I was worried that was all ruined. I hardly saw him as it was.

“Oh, well where is he?”

“Sleeping.” Seth groaned. “He told me last night to come by at seven thirty but I woke up too early so I just decided to come here.”

“Well I’m surprised our screams didn’t wake him.”

“Oh trust me, he’s one of the heaviest sleepers you’ll ever meet. And Em’s probably too exhausted to care. Don’t you feel safe?” He joked.

I laughed softly and got up. “Want breakfast?”

His eyes instantly brightened and he sat up. “Really?”

“Yeah, whatya want?” I opened the fridge.

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