Two Puzzle Pieces (Ch 26)

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“What are you doing to my heart, Jacob Black?” I whispered, feeling the quick beatings in my chest.

He smirked and pressed his lips to mine for a light kiss. “Taking it” He answered, his eyes alight. “But don’t worry. I’ll give you mine instead.”

He always knew what to say to make me weak at the knees, this boy. I smiled and wrapped my arms tighter around him, placing my head in the crook of his neck. I felt his hand smooth down my very wet hair. And despite of my sopping clothes, and the beyond chilly air that was made worse by the rain, and the loud thunder clashes, I felt nothing but a calming bliss take over me as I stayed in his arms.
He was incredibly warm so I hardly felt the brisk air around us as I buried myself deeper into his arms.

“Let’s go inside.” He whispered and turned around to go back into the house.

I always loved how cozy and homey Jake’s house felt. He had this small living room with a large fireplace under the television. That was my favorite part of his house by far. He walked us past the living room and down a little hallway before slipping into a room which I remembered to be his bedroom. Jake shut the door behind us and took a few steps towards his bed, stepping over the random strewn clothes on his floor. He bent down to let me go onto the bed and as soon was my body was no longer pressed against his; I felt an unbearable chill hit me. I hadn’t realized how cold it was in the house and the thin material of my shirt was not helping. As Jake leaned away to straighten up, I kept my arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him down.

“Oh my God, Jake,” I clung onto his heated body. “It’s freezing.”

As if by instinct, he snaked his arms around me again and pulled me up with him. I nestled my face into his neck, my shivers immediately stopping as the warmness spread through me. I sighed in content, running my hand through the short strands of his hair.

“Better?” He whispered as his hand ran up and down my back to create more heat.

I nodded, and without hesitation I planted a soft kiss on his neck. A shiver ran through his body probably from my cool lips as I felt him swallow roughly. His face turned to the side and he bent his head down, rubbing his nose against mine. I moved my head as well to allow better access and he brushed his lips softly against mine. It didn’t take much thought for me to press my lips on his. Jake made it so easy. My mouth moved swiftly against his, our tongues becoming more and more involved. A few moments later of this, we broke apart but he continued to place kisses along my face finally stopping at my mouth.

“God. I’m crazy about you.” He growled, pressing his forehead against mine, his eyes tightly shut.

The need in his voice made it sound so much sexier that I couldn’t help but lean in again and kiss him. It was so weird. Like the emotions that I had felt for him before tonight were amplified to a hundred times. It was overwhelming to say the least. Especially because I probably wanted Jake even more than he wanted me.

I don’t know how much time passed before we both decided to take a break. He let me down to my feet, but as soon as they touched the ground, my legs gave in, my mind still in a haze.

“Whoa.” He was quick to pull my back up, his eyes looking down at me with nothing but concern. “Are you okay?”

I laughed at myself, shaking my head. “Yeah, just completely in a haze.”

He joined me and kept his arms around me. “We’ll take it easy for a minute.”


It was perfect. Just lying here, Jake’s arms around me as we both stared out the window watching the rain pour down. The sound of the heavy drops was all that was heard through our silence. Jake’s musky smell surrounded me, both coming from the actual Jake who had his head perched kind of on top of mine with his body curved right against me, and the sweatshirt he had given me to wear. It had been about an hour and a half since we had gotten inside and in that time Jake had managed to cover up pretty much everything I needed to know about what he had told me earlier. It was weird just saying he was a werewolf. Because to me he was still Jake- my Jake. And I think that’s what he will always be to me. He told me all about the phasing, the first time it happened and how it happened. Apparently he had phased for the first time a few months after I left. I asked if my leaving had triggered it and that got a right laugh out of him. Hey, you would be paranoid too.He also proved wrong all those myths that are going around having to do with werewolves. The whole full moon, flesh eating monster thing. Jake was just a human who turned into a wolf when angered or necessary. Never thought I’d say that.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora