Different And Yet The Same (Ch 7)

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My eyes widened as I looked up at him. He was.. different. Way more different than I had expected him to be. From where I stood beneath, he seemed to be nearly three feet taller than me which was crazy considering when I last saw him, we only differed by inches. His body was… large, for lack of a better word. His arms now consisted of perfectly rounded muscles and the light outlines of veins running just underneath the smooth dark russet skin. His torso was broad, stretching the material of his tight black t-shirt. I finally looked up to his face.. the same boyish face I remembered from the cliff that night, only not much more chiseled with a tight, square jaw line. His eyes were last. They seemed darker and more deeply set than I remembered. His intense gaze held me in, our eyes staring straight into each other. I felt a connection between him and me. Of course Jake and I had always had a connection, but this one was different. It was stronger—much stronger than it had ever been in our seventeen years of friendship. Maybe it was because of the fact that I hadn’t seen him for so long. It had to be it. I felt a sudden.. need for Jacob that I couldn’t describe. I guess three years really did a number on me.

My lips letting out a soft “Jake”, the word so easily rolling out of my mouth. He seemed to snap out of his daydream as well, his eyes now looking me over. However, I wasted no time in going up the three steps and launching myself into his arms. Saying his body was warm was an understatement. The boy was hot.—in every way possible. However, I ignored the heat emitting from his body and wrapped my arms around his neck. He had bent down just as I got close enough and circled his arms around my waist. I felt the ground disappear from under me as he stood up straight, taking me with him. At this, I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding his body closer to mine. I closed my eyes, tightening my grip on him. God I’ve missed him so much.

“Luce.” He muttered into my hair.

After a few moments, we leaned away from each other, but of course I stayed in his arms—to avoid possible injury. I looked into his dark brown eyes, feeling the smile on my face expand. In return, he gave me one of his; That bright perfect smile that I had only seen through pictures for the past years.

If we weren’t so engrossed in each other we would have seen all the others exchange looks. And w would have heard Emily’s soft gasp when Sam looked at her, the two communicating with their eyes. But we didn’t.

“Oh my God!” Emily’s shriek pulled us out of our little gaze. “My zucchini!” She rushed up the stairs and into the house.

I laughed, remembering Emily’s constant frantic cooking and cleaning. And I’m pretty sure today was no different.

“Alright, I guess we should all head on in.” Sam stated, grabbing my two suitcases and following his fiancé. Embry and Quil passed Jake and I, the three of them exchanging certain glances. Embry even patted Jake’s shoulder. I didn’t really put much thought into it. Just boy stuff. I looked back at Jake when we were left alone.

“I missed you, bestest friend.” I muttered, as I twirled my finger in his chain necklace.

“I missed you too.” He replied as he bent forward and set me down while I unlatched my legs from around him. I jumped down from Jake’s hold and only then did I really take in just how much taller he was than me. My eyes widened as I look up—way up—at him. With my five foot one stature, I pathetically reached up to his lower chest, just a couple inches above his belly button.

“Me neither, you look SO different.” I rested my hands on his forearms and gave them a small squeeze.

“Yeah, puberty hit hard, I guess.” He chuckled, that same smile on his lips.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin