Empty Spaces (Ch 24)

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Lucy POV

As we finally got to the top of the mountain overlooking LaPush, I looked around, the memories of the last night I was here flooded back. Everything looked the same—even the air smelled the same. Jake pulled my hand and led me closer to the edge and as we did I could see more of the view. The twinkling lights of the tiny houses below looked almost like a painting. The only thing missing were stars in the sky and we’d have our own Starry Night by VanGogh. However, the midnight sky was clouded over with thick, ready to leak clouds. I really hoped it wouldn’t rain while we were here.

Jake stopped a few yards away from the complete edge and pulled me down onto the ground with him. We sat side by side with our legs out in front of us. I looked at him to see that he was gazing off to the distant, his eyes almost clouded over. Again, I felt my heart squeeze with worry.

“Jake..” I put my hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently. “What’s on your mind?”

He sighed, not breaking contact with the horizon and rested his arms on his knees. I expected him to say something, anything, but the silence remained.

“You said one more thing needed to be done before it was right.. what is it?” I softly urged him on.

“Well if that isn’t the perfect opening to this conversation, I don’t know what is.” He muttered more to himself as he straightened up and turned to me.

He was silent for a moment or two before he began. “Luce, did you ever think about what it would be like if our world didn’t just consist of human and animals..and that there were other things out there besides all that we’ve known?”

I was a little taken off guard by his question but answered it anyway, “ “What do you mean, like.. supernatural things?”

He nodded.

“Well yeah.. But I mean it’s kind of hard to imagine. Things like that only exist in books and movies.” I shrugged, “but I guess it would be pretty cool… I mean, just as long as those other ‘things’ don’t want to kill me.” I chuckled lightly.

Jake joined me and looked back down.

“What’s this about?” I questioned, very curious.

“Remember Billy’s Legends?..”

“Yeah, of course. What about them?”

Again, silence. “What if I told you that they weren’t just legends?” His eyes caught mine.

My eyebrows knitted together, “Um.. what do you mean?” If I thought I was confused before, I was definitely beyond confused now. “What, those stories are.. real?” I ended with an amused tone.

He was obviously trying to pull some kind of joke or prank on me. And knowing me I probably would have believed it if it wasn’t so absurd. However, his gaze was serious—no smile, not a hint of amusement. Maybe he wasn’t kidding….

“Yes.” He curtly replied. He looked at me trying to make out my reaction which was simply a blank look. However, inside my mind was a mess of confusion and wonder.

“Shut up” I pushed his body in a joking manner, laughing. However he looked at me and shook his head his face still serious. My smile immediately faltered. “Explain..” I let out slowly.

“Okay, this is going to be a long one.” He let out a long breath. “ And I just want you to listen and keep an open mind about this. I’m not expecting you to accept this right away, so there’s no pressure. I just need you to hear me out.” He told me, his brown orbs filled with nothing but sincerity and care.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora