My Necessity (Ch 16)

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The movie was finally over and we quickly left the theatre. There was a bit of a traffic jam because of all the people getting out of their aisles, so we stood in the same spot for a few minutes of course with the eerie music for the credits going on. I really wanted to get out of here so stood fidgeting behind Seth and standing really close to him since it was still kinda dark.

“P.S.I much? What is wrong with you?” Seth laughed, turning to me. He flinched back though, because I was closer than he expected.

“PSI?” I questioned.

“Personal Space Invader.” He replied, taking my shoulder and pushing me back slightly.

I bumped back into Jake who steadied me with a laugh. “Why are you handing me this? I don’t want it.” He told Seth.

I gaped and smacked his chest. “Ew.Shut up.”

“Haha, come on you know I’m playing,” I felt him grab my shoulders and pull me back again roughly so I hit his chest. He then wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kept me there. I looked up at him, so he looked upside down.

“Oh now you want me.” I joked.

He leaned down and whispered. “I always want you.”

Now let’s pause right there. One: That totally took me by surprise. Two: I know he didn’t mean it in that way, but good God it was sexy to hear. Three: His breath totally just sent chills through my body.

I tried the best I could do not completely grin like a dumbass, but it was really hard not to. Thank God he was behind me and way up there so he couldn’t really see my face. Finally, the line began to move and even though I thought Jake would let go, he didn’t. So we kinda just walked, attached to each other until we had to go down the steps. But he still kept an arm around my shoulder as we walked side by side. When we finally got out of the theatre, the bright light hurt my eyes, so I had to squint for a bit as did everyone else.

“What’d ya think?” Embry looked down at me with a mischievous smile.

“Piece’a cake.” I shrugged and walked past him.

“Hah, didn’t seem that way when you were curled in fetal position.” He taunted.

I turned with a glare. “I wasn’t curled in a Fetal position. That’s just how I sit.” I defended, lamely.

“Mhm.” Quil nodded sarcastically.

“And I assume the flinching and jumping is just how you watch movies too?” Seth added laughing.

I raised my eyebrow at him. “Are you really one to talk?”

“Yeah, really Seth.” Jake backed me up. “You were nearly pissing yourself in your seat.”

Seth glared. “I resent that. At least I wasn’t curled into your side.”

“And I Thank God for that.” Jake retorted making me laugh. He looked at me, amused as I continued to giggle. Just the image of it was enough- Seth crouched into Jake’s chest. Ew.

“Wow, really easy to make you laugh.” Embry pointed out. “So what are we doing now?”

“It’s only three thirty. It’s kind of early for dinner.” Jake held up his wrist so we can see the time.

“Well I actually promised to get Claire a new toy last week.” Quil stuffed his hands in his pockets and rocked side to side.

“Claire as in my niece, Claire?” I asked, remembering the name. Jake had told me that Stella, Emily’s sister had had a baby girl the year I had left LaPush. Even though she was Emily’s niece, I considered her mine too since Em and I were more like sisters than cousins.

Everything I've Needed (A Jacob Black Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt