Seventeenth Song: 'PLEASE WEEP FOR US' - AKUMA

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After the revelation of Allen's secret and some scolding from his friends all the way until dinner, he felt guiltily for not telling truth. He knew how much he offended them, but he couldn't just simply bring up the subject casually. For all this time he's been thinking of telling them about his condition in such a way they won't be worried, but… knowing his critical condition of course they will be worried no matter what he says. Even you turned the world upside down a friend will always be worried about the well-being of his friend. And that is it.

He should've said it sooner. The news should come from him first and not from someone else.

I'm being unfair…

Well, I'm planning to tell them soon when I'm ready but… this is usagi's fault. He should have remained silent until I gathered enough confidence to tell them…

On the second thought, I am the one to blame.

It's my fault…

It's my fault…why…this thing…is happening to me…

Allen was thinking the same things all over again these past days. From the time he wakes up until he sleeps. Even in his dreams he was haunted by the same thought.

Well, it's a good thing to be treated like this, but…

He don't know how it started. He never anticipated that after the confrontation with his friend this sort of thing will happen to him.

this is too much…

"…uhm…" he spoke. Beads of sweat rolling down his face from top to his chin. "Guys…? Yo-you can leave now…I ca-can handle myself. So…"

"No Allen. We heard that you are sick." One of the finders around said.

"We saw how Miss Lenalee and Lavi treat you so kindly and I asked them if what was up and they said you are so, so, so sick that you must not strain yourself much. Lavi told me that if I happen to be with you I must treat you like a fragile glass and he added that every single muscle you stretch will put a strain in your health so we should take care of you." said the other one.

Allen sighed a gigantic sigh. "…That's absurd, you know? It won't kill me to walk so no need to treat me like this." He said casually, but…Damn you Lavi… deep inside he wanted to kill someone in his sleep. Saying those words doesn't help me! this is so embarrassing! In his thoughts Allen was banging his head on an imaginary wall out of embarrassment.

You might be wondering what's happening…

Well, it all happened a few days back, the day after Allen's friends scolded him. Lavi always barging in Allen's room without knocking first with a cart of foods. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, Lavi brought them to Allen's room. He said that he was doing this because they are friends and he don't want to see his friend crawling down to cafeteria just to get his food in which Allen yelled at his face saying 'WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME!? A CRAWLING CRIPPLE TO GET HIS FOOD? I CAN WALK JUST FINE! IDIOT!'

Then there was Lenalee who keeps reminding him to take the medicine Komui made for him and, much to his dismay, Lenalee forbidden him to do any task that will consume his energy. Even lifting a single book.

Kanda on the other hand remained as usual as he was though he sometimes tells the bean sprout to have some rest because Allen was still training though secretly since he knew very well what Lenalee and Lavi would do to him if they find out. Kanda was the only who knew about this, Allen had him agreed.

The two may not be in good terms but I believe in the saying that opposites attract.

Not long after, Miranda and Crowley found out about this little scheme and joined force with Lavi and Lenalee to help Allen at least ease the pain and burden he was feeling by providing him anything in their might like massaging his head, leg, arms, and shoulders, fanning him, and serving him mitarashi dangos which he loves without them knowing that Allen can no longer taste any sort of food. He just pretended that he can.

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