Twenty Third Song: CONNECTIONS

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Entry 17

It was just another typical day, mind the constant dangers around, Mana, Neah, and I went downtown to see new stuffs and occasionally went to a stop to buy some snacks. Just an ordinary day for ordinary people. I didn't know how it turned out into something unexpected, though we should've expected it. I just got a call from Mana, his mother died. She was killed by that man. It's quite a shock to him. I wonder how will Neah reacts to this should he found out.

Entry 26

Neah had gone mad. After living their life, he went and murdered his Noah family for the sake of Mana. Neah betrayed them for his brother, they already lost their mother and can't afford to lose Mana too. But shame on him, indeed he murdered all of them that resulted to damage their memories and would take a long time before they will reincarnate, but he failed to kill the family head and that little girl. I don't know what had gotten to me, but I promised to him to take care of his memories until he awakes out of impulse. Perhaps… my desires? That's right. He'd been a good friend to me and a nice person. I also heard him say 'never stop, keep walking, Mana.' with his most genuine smile.

Entry 47

I've been on the run for years, trying to escape that world and live a normal life until his return. Upon travelling from place to place I got myself a girlfriend. She's so beautiful. Her face is pale and soft; her waist length wavy chocolate hair really makes her icy blue eyes outstand. I wish I could give her a good normal life.

Entry 68

Today is the 5th birthday of our twins. I felt so bad- though 'bad' is an understatement- for not spending it with them; I was in my work when I got a call informing me of the accident that took my wife away. I know who did it. Ever since I got married things like this always happens. No matter how hard I hide myself and my family he always finds us. I got a feeling I won't live long enough for him to awaken.

My son, forgive me for I have to past his memories to you. This is the only way I can think of in order to defeat them. I'm so sorry for doing this to you. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to burden you.

Entry 70

My son woke up, and he couldn't remember a thing. Is this the result after passing the memories from one to another? Now his life won't be normal and peaceful like I wish. I'm sorry to burden you in such a young age, I'm sorry to sacrifice your very life, and for getting you involve in the war. But, only you can defeat him with the addition of my friend's power and knowledge. He is a friend. You may have the innocence but please, I hope when the day has come please listen to my friend. Please be friends.

Entry 79

My son was kidnapped and it has been a month since then yet we couldn't find him. I know his twin sneaks out every night to look for him so I have to follow him. This is my entire fault, if only I stayed with you that night. Wherever you are, please be safe and live your life.

I know I don't deserve a happy life but all I want is for my sons' happiness.

Entry 132

It has been a year since I lost my wife and my son's disappearance. And while I was watching my son sleep, I saw a piece of paper that was under the pillow. I slowly pulled it out, careful so as not to wake him and I read it. It was my wife's hand writing. It said that one of the twins is the heart and the other is its guardian. I wonder how she knew something so important like this. And…when did this paper have in here? I wonder… never mind, I have to continue in my search of lost son. I have to find him before the enemy could.

Allen had read all entries in the notebook that he manage to brought it with him. He was still confused. His father was friends with his foster father and the 14th. His father, who he supposed to look exactly like him, was the former vessel of the musician. He found out that the tragedy was caused by the Noah clan. It also dawned to him the reason why the Earl spared him his life; Allen was the Earl's grandson. The Earl was his father's father. Not only that but he also found out that he is the heart of innocence. God...there's too much information...I didn't know that the Earl and I were related in blood until now. My life has just gone weirder and complicated at the same time. How will the Vatican react should they heard about this? Oh yeah, I forgot they gave me the answer already before they gotten a chance to learn about what I have learned.

Allen was locked up in the cell the day after together with Timcanpy.

Now I know why Inspector Lovelier wasn't too nosy that time, he's been plotting this. *sigh*

After reading the notebook Allen shut and hid it in his pocket. It was just a small notebook after all. Just then, Link came in with a tray of food. He settled it on table across Allen's bed where he behave himself while clutching his left arm that was in bind before Link sat on a chair.

"You know that is not enough for me Link."

"I know."

Silence followed next.

"Aren't you going to eating?" Link asked when Allen didn't move.

"I'm afraid I'm not." he replied.

"Why? You'll just get weak."

"It won't change my faith anyway."

"...why don't you want the Vatican know about this? They will probably release you. And that brat won't pester me again."


"Yes, he's been clinging on my leg like a lost child begging me to release you even though I don't have the authority to do so." Link pouted. Allen chuckled at this. Who would have thought Link could be this cute?

"Anyways… They won't release even if I do. Unless..." Allen trailed off. He knew they won't release him if he told them his condition. But if he said he is the Heart, would they believe him? He's a Noah, isn't he?

"Unless...what? Walker?" Link inquired as he raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing. Never mind... Can you leave me for awhile? I want to be alone."

"Not until you eat."

Allen sighed. He knew that defiant look Link gave him and so he started to eat. Allen shifted and moved closer to the table. He opened the bowl and saw something that made him smile.

'Screw you Hitler!'

And with that, Allen started eating.

Later that night Allen was left alone in his cell sleeping. In his sleep he dreamed. It was a memory that doesn't belong to him. In that dream there was a little boy in brown pants and white long sleeve sitting on a stool, hands on the piano and started playing a slow beautiful lullaby. It was foreign yet familiar. In the background he could see a woman standing just behind the boy. She was patting the head of another boy who stood with her. Allen thought he knew the boy that was standing with the woman whom he assumed their mother. And then there was a man sitting on the couch. He couldn't make up his facial features as the shadows covered it. The man grinned an inhuman grin before the images faded.

Allen's skin turned into ash. Slowly, his eye lids revealed golden pools. He grinned.

It wasn't Allen, but Neah.

Neah helped himself up and ripped the binds that immobilized his left arm. "*chuckles* Looks like I have to pay a visit."

Neah arose from his sitting position and stood. He closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled to relax, and summoned an ark gate. He went in before closing the gate. Neah was aware of the fact that his vessel was becoming weak but with his Noah genes he can sharpen his senses back to normal given only with limited time.

Neah didn't waste too much time and went off to his secret room. With his piano, he opened another gate that will lead to the parlour of the mansion where he hoped the man is there. After opening the gate, Neah made his way out and was glad to see the man he wanted to see.

"Good evening, Millennium Earl." Neah greeted with his sinister smile. "Want to know something?" he said as his smile widened even more that would rival the Cheshire cat.

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