Chapter Seventeen

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Nora was sitting on the sofa while looking in empty air when his mother walked inside. She did not bother looking up while her mother looked at her sad face and worriedly sighed. Then Mrs Hamna walked towards her and sat down on the sofa.

'Hameed wants to marry you.' Mrs Hamna said and she looked up at her

'Who is Hameed?' Nora asked and Mrs Hamna sighed

'The same guy who came the day Sher was here.' Mrs Hamna answered  and on his mention she hurtfully sighed. She still remembered how angrily he got after that and then she took present for him when he blasted a bomb of divorce over her head.

'Just say no to him.' Nora said simply while looking other way

'Why?' Mrs Hamna asked and she shocked looked at her.

'What do you mean why? How I can marry him when I am already married.' Nora said

'You was married. You husband is giving you divorce now.' Mrs Hamna said and she felt pain in her chest

'I know but still have not.' Nora said

'But he will....I am not being harsh but I am
Worried for you. You have any idea how big mistake you has done by marrying him....I still can't believe you did betray break my trust....after your father's death that is my second time I am so hurt....' Mrs Hamna said while tears started coming out from her eyes and Nora ashamed looked down

'I am sorry.' Nora whispered said

'.....Nora please stop with all madness now. It's enough....I know you are studying to become doctor but I want you to her married and then keep please now just listen to me.' Mrs Hamna said and Nora looked at her sad mother.

'But tell him the truth. Tell me I will be a divorcee and if he is ready to accept me as his second wife then I am fine....' Nora finished off hurtfully then stood up and walked out while leaving worried Mrs Hamna.
Sher came out from the radio station and walked towards his car. He opened the car and sat down. He started driving and reached to a restaurant  where he was having his food. He entered inside and sat down on his usual seat and order his usual meal. After some time waiter came back with his food and set it up on the table. He smiled to Waiter who walked away and he started eating. He was eating when his gaze lifted up towards a door and his hand stopped in mid. She walked inside without any emotions while wearing lemon colour long skirt with red shirt and head scarf. She stopped on the reception asked about something then again started walking. Sher was looking at her every move when she started walking towards him. He quickly put a menu in front of his face while she walked passed him and two table away sat down. He slowly moved away the menu then slowly looked back and she was sitting with a man. Same man he met when he went to her house. Meanwhile she greeted him while fake smiling then sat down.

'How are you Miss Nora?' Hameed asked and she smiled

'Fine...' Nora replied and Hameed smiled.

'You are really beautiful.' Hameed said and she just fake smiled again while Sher was glaring at him while trying to hide behind a menu card.

'Thank you.' Nora replied softly and Hameed smiled

' how she is saying 'thank you' to him.....she like someone praising her.' Sher said while looked at her happy face.

'Shall we order a food.' Hameed said and she just nodded her head while Hameed called the waiter and they placed their order. As soon waiter went off she spoke up.

'My mother told you about my first marriage and divorce.' Nora said and Sher eyes widen while Hameed nodded his head while smiling

'Yeah, she did.' Hameed said and Nora just awkwardly nodded her head.

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