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The banner of the crowned stag on a burning heart waved in the wind as snow fell softly on the heads of all those gathered in the yard of Castle Black. Myriah watched the soldiers readying their horses from her usual place on the stairs. Her eye caught Princess Shireen, who was already seated on her horse. She waved and smiled at her and Myriah waved back.

When she saw Jon approaching, her heart started beating faster, and when he glanced at her, she could feel her cheeks turning red as if she was a maiden. But he walked past her to have a word with King Stannis. Standing only a foot away from them, she could hear them talking.

" I hope you know what you're doing with these wildlings. I need those ships." Stannis addressed Jon.

"You'll get them back, I swear it." the Lord Commander answered, and the king turned to leave. " Have a safe journey, Your Grace." He added, and once more Stannis nodded and was about to leave.  "And thank you." He received no answer for that.

Myriah curtsied as Stannis turned to her. "Your Grace." She spoke, knowing she was holding him up. "I wish you good fortune."

"And why would you do that?"

"I have some business to attend at Winterfell." She answered him, regarding the crowns she hid under her bed.

Just like Jon, she got no answer. He watched the Baratheon army depart as everyone else did, except Myriah. Her eyes were on Jon. She opened her mouth to ask about the ships, but he was faster than her. "May I show you something?"

Myriah raised her eyebrows at that question. "Now is hardly the time, Jon." She whispered.

His upper lip twitched as he clicked his tongue. "I am not talking about that! I wish to show you something. Will you follow me?"

With a slow nod, she followed him to the lift. When he opened the iron door for her, Myriah protested. "Have you taken leave of your sense? I am not going up there." She rose her head to the Wall. "I could easily fall into my own death."

"You don't need to be afraid. I'll be right there with you."

Myriah took a deep breath and stepped into the lift. She clasped to the iron bars around her and closed her eyes once Jon gave the order to get them on top. The ground under her feet began to quiver and so did she. It was hard for her to remain calm, though she slowly got used to the unsteady moves of the lift. Nausea filled her stomach and rose up to her throat.

"It's alright," She heard Jon chuckle. "It's alright. I got you."

His arms wrapped around her and pulled her into the fur of his cloak. Not until then, Myriah dared to open her eyes.

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