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Her hands were trembling as she slowly stretched her fingers out to find his. At their bare touch, she felt the cold rushing through her own body.

"My deepest condolences, Princess." Ser Davos spoke into the silence.

Like in a numb state, Myriah repeatedly nodded, her eyes wide open staring down at his dead body. He was truly gone. Jon's eyelids were closed, but his lips were still parted as if he had just taken his last breath.

The past days had been torture enough for her, so there were no more tears left to shed. Hesitantly, she brushed over his cheek. Cold and pale. Jon had always been pale and lean, but now his skin was as white as freshly fallen snow. No blood rushed through his veins to color his cheeks pink whenever he laid eyes on her. Now, he would never lay eyes on her again. She never had the chance to properly say farewell.

Myriah grieved, she surely did, but moreover, she was angry at him. Had she not warned him to be careful?

When would men finally start listening to women?

She should have known better. It had been the same with Robb. Actions had always been more effective than words. And now both of her Loves were murdered by knives in their hearts. Regarding it that way, it seemed rather ironic. Jon and Robb had always been quite alike, who would have thought they would die the same way?

Myriah did not lift her look from Jon, not even when she sat down, a hand stroking her swollen belly. Jon's child was growing quickly inside her. A child that was half an orphan before it was even born. This child would share the same fate as its brother, too. Should she have told Jon about them?

Ghost next to her whimpered sorrowfully. He was the one who kept her up all night with his howling. And it was he who scratched at her door when Dolorous Edd came to get her. Myriah barely knew the man. He had a worse sense of humor than she did, but Edd was Jon's friend. A very loyal one on top of that, as he had gone to seek the wildlings aid.

All those men who had conspired against their Lord Commander stood outside in the yard, their crossbows pointing at the door, ready to shoot if anyone left the chamber. Ser Alliser had come to negotiate with them, what exactly he said did not matter to Myriah. Neither did the conversation Ser Davos had with the few brothers that still stood loyally behind Jon.

Nightfall came and the men grew restless. They feared that Edd would not return. Ser Davos did his best to calm them, he even tried to comfort Myriah, who had been sitting silently next to Jon for hours.

A bang at the door ripped her from her trance. She saw that the brothers had drawn their swords and even Ghost snarled and set his ears back. The banging continued.

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