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The prospect of a happier life with a man she loved and chose to marry, the reunion with her son and the birth of another child could lighten Myriah's mood immeasurably. They were already planning to leave Castle Black, which seemed far easier to her than to Jon. The Night's Watch had been his home for years, and even though he had forsaken his oaths and was not wanted there any longer, he seemed aggrieved.

Or maybe he was angry, without letting it on. Jon had not lost a word of Edrick, not a single question had escaped his sulking lips. It was hard for her to assess his view on that matter through his silence. He could be planning to send Edrick away once he was old enough, or he was content to meet him.

Yet, towards his unborn child, Jon was rather gentle and considerate. He was not scared to touch her belly anymore and constantly asking if Myriah was fine. Jon seemed intrigued by the miracle of birth. In his now increasing moments of levity, he talked about the child and the plans he had for him or her.

"I wouldn't mind if it was a girl. She'd surely be a tough little one." He told her while they organized the letters and documents from his time as Lord Commander. "Like her mother."

Myriah shook her head in amusement. "You are too much like your father, Jon. If my daughter was anything like me, you would never be able to handle her."

"Don't be ridiculous. I can very well handle my own child." Jon answered, offended. He skimmed over a lettered piece of parchment before he placed it on a pile. "Have you thought of names yet?"

She had indeed thought of names, but only of those, she would surely not give her son. Nothing could make her name him Brandon, there had already been enough Brandons. Edrick had been named after Lord Eddard, Robb had insisted on that, hoping one day he would carry his byname: Ned. For her daughters, Myriah always had an explicit image of how she wanted to name them. She wanted twin girls and she wanted to name them Meria and Deria. Birthing twins ran in her family, she herself had a twin brother. But delivering two babies instead of one was something she thought herself to be incapable of. Edrick's birth had already left her weakened for weeks.

"I have, but I wish to hold my child in my arms first before I name it," Myriah said and took the pile of parchment to take it to the library. "Have you been thinking of names yet?"

"Aye." He replied, eager to answer her. "If it is a boy I had hoped we could name him Rickard."

His hand running through her hair, she gave him a broad smile. There had been a Jon Stark, a King of Winter, who had named his son Rickard and it was the same name his grandfather had carried.

"Or Brandon. Brandon is a strong name. And for a girl, I was thinking Arya, or perhaps Serena."

"We shall see." She said and gave Jon a quick kiss, which made him chuckle.

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