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Before we start I would like to dedicate this chapter to my friend zaynmonds because she is a sweetheart!



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"What?" She looked at him in shock.

It had taken Jon all the courage he could gather at the moment to ask her. But there was no doubt that he wanted it, especially not the past day. The way that Myriah had cared for him had made him realize that he wanted this until the end of his days. He had already wasted one life away, and now the gods had given him another chance. He would not waste that one, too. Myriah was what he wanted.

But Myriah looked at him in shock. "What of your vow?"

Jon closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. At the moment he couldn't care less about that damned vow. "My death released me from it."

She opened her mouth but didn't say anything, so she closed it again and gazed around the chamber trying to avoid him. Myriah had a conflict with herself and suddenly, Jon lost his courage. What if she refuses him? He straightened his shoulders, more in scepsis than certainty, and gave it one more try. "Wed me, for I cannot stand the thought of you not being mine."

Her features softened immediately and her eyes seemed shiny with tears. "Do you want a woman to warm your bed at night, and birth your children?"

"Yes," He said hopefully and stepped closer to her. It had taken him so much confidence to ask her, and now he was so close. "I want you. And once the time has come, I want you to birth my children."

"Well, the time will come in about five months." She said, brushing over her belly.

"Why in five months?" Jon asked in confusion. "Why not wait a year or so, until we have settled and figured things out."

Myriah smiled painfully as she cupped his face in both her palms. "Because it will only take five more months until you will hold your firstborn in your arms."

He let out a long breath. How could possibly be so stupid? If man and woman lay with each other, babies happened. Maybe Ygritte had not birthed him a bastard, but Myriah carried the product of his lust inside her. He turned his head away.

"Jon, look at me!" Myriah spoke firmly and made him look at her again. "If you truly wish to wed me, then your little child inside of me could not change your mind so easily."

Of course, it couldn't. Nothing could ever make him change his mind about this. But what gave him doubts was that Myriah knew about his child all along, and she would have let him die not knowing of his own and only child. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

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