Naruto's Origin

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In front of the tent where the unconscious blonde teen, Naruto, resided in was Kakashi, standing and holding a bowl of warm water and a clean and dry towel hanging on his left arm; he had this dejected look on whilst his right eye was twitching. "Dare to repeat that, Obito?" asked the silver haired elite in a dejected yet warning tone.

Obito, in his laid back posture, averted his gaze to his left with a sigh that seemed to fuel Kakashi's irritation. He said, "Told you, when I hopped on a tree branch I slipped, fell on the back of my head, and was knocked out for roughly two hours."

"..." Kakashi glared at him. "Do you really think I'll buy that lie?"

"So, you caught me, huh. But, mind you. I really slipped off the tree branch on my here though I wasn't knocked out."

"Whatever. Just get lost already." with that said Kakashi left Obito to collect dried logs in the woods before the sun sets.

Smiling, the Uchiha's black sheep flickered to the woods and started collecting logs that were on the forest floor and chopping some from the living trees itself.

Kakashi on the other hand settled the bowl of warm water beside Naruto's and sat cross-legged. He dipped the towel he had on the water, squeezed it, and wiped Naruto's face clean. He looked at the blonde's face, tracing his facial features that were akin to his teacher, Namikaze Minato, yet it also looked like Uzumaki Kushina's.

Perfect mix. Kakashi smiled at the thought and proceeded on undressing Naruto. He carefully took the battered orange jacket off of his student and his fishnet shirt. Placing it aside, his attention was caught by the Uzumaki Clan crest on his chest and the black intricate around it. And upon further observation, he noticed that the markings appeared to be shifting from time to time. At first he thought it was just optical illusion, but then later on he found out it was not.

It's really moving almost unnoticeably. I need to tell Lady Tsunade if she hadn't noticed this yet.

Kakashi then rushed his task and immediate put Naruto in a new pair of light blue pyjamas before he went off to Tsunade's tent.

The Elite was on his way when Tsunade came out of her tent.

The Fifth Hokage caught Kakashi at the corner of her eyes, and so she turned to face her subordinate. "Kakashi." she said.

Kakashi approached his superior and bowed in greeting. "Lady Tsunade. I have something to inform you."

"What is it?"

"The seal markings on Naruto's are moving."

"Moving?" Tsunade raised an elegant brow.

"Yes, Lady Hokage. Though only barely and almost unnoticeable."

"I see. Thank you. You're dismissed."

"Understood." he bowed and was left by.

Tsunade, her face contorted into a frown, went to check on Naruto and true to Kakashi's words, they were moving. She placed her hand on Naruto's chest and glowed in emerald, checking for irregularities, but found nothing apart from what she already knew.

"What is this?" she asked herself.

"You have nothing to worry about, Tsunade."

Tsunade whipped her head at the origin of the new voice; Orochimaru, one of the legendary sannin.


The newcomer smirked as he ventured in and stood in front of Naruto's person. "It's natural to see the seal moving. It only shows that it's working properly. If not, then something's wrong." he explained.

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