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Beneath the Hokage Tower was a huge chamber made of black Opal, the rarest type of Opal, which had the appearance of flickering fire in the dark and five pillars of Jadeite, forming in a circular fashion around a Rock Crystal casket situated at the heart atop the half foot riser.

At twelve o'clock direction was the pillar with the symbol of fire engraved in Amber, followed by another pillar to the right that had the symbol of wind in Sapphire, and then lightning in Lightning Stone that glowed in the dark, followed by earth symbol in Obsidian, and water symbol in Moonstone.

The casket that was at the heart of the hidden chamber had a wild fire-like design around.

"I told you. We should've informed the Hokage about him. Look where it got us now." Kakashi berated lazily.

"Shut up, scarecrow." Grumbled Obito. "You would do the same thing if you were in my shoes." He told his companion who was certain he could hear the pout along those words.

"Yeah, but…" the Elite trailed off and looked at Obito. Pointing to his black eye on his left eye, he said, "I think I don't deserve this, do I?"

The black haired man scoffed. "Hell yeah. You don't deserve that, Kakashi. You deserved more than that." He then turned to Kakashi, showing his disfigured face.

The two, Kakashi and Obito, were standing beside a casket that had the slumbering Naruto in it. After the scolding they had received from the Hokage, Obito had asked Kakashi where they had transfer Naruto. The white haired ninja was thinking if it was alright, so he went back to the tower and asked permission from their Hokage, who granted it, but not without giving Obito a warning should he do anything inappropriate.

Silence hovered between the two as they both looked at the still form of Naruto who had yet awoken.

Few moments passed by, and Obito broke the silence. "I've been thinking." He said so suddenly, making Kakashi jerked his head towards him with a questioning look. Without tearing his gaze off Naruto, Obito continued, "I mean…if I hadn't went along with Madara's plan, Naruto's parents would still be here…Sir Minato would still be alive and sitting on his seat as Konoha's current Hokage, and…there would be no Fourth Shinobi War outbreak. It's because of me. I killed Miss Kushina and Sir Minato, and the villagers. That's why Naruto grew up alone and hated. It's all because of me…" his voice grew silent and mournful.

Kakashi did not say anything as he watched and listened to his friend let out his pent up frustration because of his shortcomings. He then turned his head to stare at Naruto and said, "True. If you hadn't been stupid enough to not look underneath the underneath of Madara's plan, things like you mentioned wouldn't have happen. But, what do we expect from you? You're the idiot of our team, after all."

Saying it so nonchalantly made Obito's head snapped at Kakashi; his face was contorted into a frown. "Why…Kakashi…? I'm being sentimental here, expecting for you to comfort me, and here you are calling me stupid and idiot!"

"Huh?" Kakashi looked at Obito. "Isn't it true?" he asked. Not letting Obito reply, the white haired ninja said, "It's true, but…" he trailed off as he tilted his head up. "If I were a judge of these past events in a neutral side, I'd say…you did not killed Sir Minato and the others, but the Kyuubi. Though, you are as responsible as him since it was you who brought him out of Miss Kushina and used the Sharingan on him. However, you're also a victim. Our last mission as a whole team got out of control. We thought you died. And then, Rin… you were blinded by grief, which turn into hatred that Naruto has been trying to heal all these time. Naruto…he's the only one I know of who can shoulder all the pain and heal it, and take the hatred…the curse of being a ninja, away to achieve the peace that we all are longing for."

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