Good or Bad Sign

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Naruto rolled onto his back with his limbs spread out as he stared blankly at the ceiling in his moonlit room. He had been awake for quite some time and could hardly fall back to sleep after he was woken up by his dream, or perhaps it was a memory of the boy, or maybe both. In his dream he found himself, his much younger self, cradling her mother who was smiling at him. He did not if it really happened in real life or just the dream's representation of his mother dying in his arms. Either way, it told him one thing.

His mother was no longer with the living.

He could not help, but frown at that thought. If his mother in the world where was currently in was indeed dead, then what caused her death? Naruto wanted to know desperately and the only thing to obtain the answer was to ask his father directly. But then again, it would raise some doubts of him however, it was said that his head was quite a mess at the time, so maybe he can pull it through.

Thinking back to the past days, Naruto realized something.

Who's the current jinchuuriki of the kyuubi? He asked himself. It was clear to him that the kyuubi was not sealed inside him, so how come he heals as fast as he used to? And if his mother was the last jinchuuriki then…

"Hey, Kurama." Called Naruto as he went to see the fox and other tailed beasts around him.

Kurama, who was lying on his stomach, raised his head from his paws as he opened his eyes and smirked, knowing what Naruto will ask him. "Hn. You finally realized it."

"Yeah." Naruto scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment. Then, he asked, "What happened to your counterpart here, Kurama?"

"If your mother had my counterpart sealed in her like in our world, then that means my other self died when your mother died, though I can feel him somewhere near here. He was still incomplete though, but he will be in a year more or so."

"I see… I'm sure dad is well aware of this. What do you think we should do?"

"You are just a child. You can't do anything about this matter unless you want to attract attention, which I doubt would be good for you." said Matatabi. "But, knowing you, I'm sure you can find a way. What are you planning to do with Kurama's counterpart anyway?"

"I want to talk to him. Befriend him while he's still out here if possible, or seal him in me and befriend him. Either way will do." Naruto paused. "Though on second thought, it's not a good idea to talk to him first while he's still out here. But, no matter what, I want the Kurama of this world to be my friend just like you and free him of his hatred."

Kurama smirked. If the Kurama of the parallel world was like him, then it would take Naruto longer to make the tailed beast be his friend, not tame. But, if he helps his host, then maybe there would be quite a fight between them before they succeed on Naruto's plan of befriending the nine tailed fox.

Isobu shifted and turned to Naruto. "How do you plan on meeting the kyuubi, Naruto?"

The blonde boy scrunched up his face in thought briefly before shrugging the question off like it was nothing. "I actually have no idea, but let's just wing it and see what happens."

"And find yourself in a predicament of some sort?" Shukaku chuckled mockingly, making Naruto frowned at his direction.

"Yeah, maybe. But, it's better to do something than sit idly and watch from the distance as the kyuubi of this world finally completed its form and ran amok, shooting flames here and there, waving his tails everywhere, crashing the village, and killing people. Yes, I think it's better to find myself in jail or something because of what I did." Naruto shot back at Shukaku, who scoffed. Kurama in the other hand did not hold back his laughter as he finally saw his rival being silenced by a mere human boy.

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