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Obito plopped down on the couch with a sigh and rubbed his forehead, feeling an oncoming headache. He then looked over his shoulder and looked at the unconscious Tobi. "I should've waited for him to tell me who the culprit is before knocking the daylights out of this idiot." He grumbled. Just then, he felt someone had silently snuck inside his apartment and when he turned around he saw Kakashi standing before him.

"Yo!" Kakashi, who had his left hand raised and the other was holding an orange pocket book, greeted.

"Where were you?" asked Obito whilst staring curiously at the book Kakashi had.

"Ah, I was ordered by the Hokage to transfer Naruto into a secure place."

"That's it?"

"… What do you mean?"

"I mean you took almost all day. You're supposed to be guarding me."

"Nah…things happened in the office."

"Like…?" Obito prompted.

"Like Master Hokage being drunk and then something about Kotetsu and Izumo's report pissed the Fifth, resulting in her throwing her table out of the window. Then, Kotetsu and Izuno was about to go out and pick the table outside when the Hokage held them back. That was when Master Hokage averted her glare at me and ordered to repair the table or buy new one if it's irreparable."

"So…you repaired the table?"

"No." was Kakashi's dejected answer.

"You bought new one?"


"What is it then?"

With an exasperated sigh, Kakashi said, "The furniture shop was out of stock of the table I was looking for, so I had to go to the woods…though…it was more like a jungle to me. And, I cut a tree down and made the table out of it myself."

"Woah… you know you could always ask Yamato that, right?"

"Ah. Why didn't I think of that?" Kakashi sighed. He was about to sit next to his friend to rest when he noticed something behind the couch.

Obito noted the change in Kakashi's demeanour. The silver haired Elite was looking past Obito and that was when the latter realized that he still had his idiot of a companion behind the couch. He mentally cursed himself for forgetting about Tobi and mentally kicked himself when Kakashi moved forward to take a peak.

Placing his right knee on the couch, Kakashi leaned forward to see what was behind when suddenly, he felt himself being pushed and pinned down the floor with Obito's hands on either of his shoulder. With wide eyes, Kakashi looked at his friend questioningly.

"Uh-uhm…it-it's dirty in there and…and it's too embarrassing to me if you see what's behind."

"Did you kill someone?" asked Kakashi.

Obito stared at the Elite incredulously. "What?"

"I saw a foot, Obito."


While things were going on at Obito's apartment, Tsunade was in her office, glaring at the offending stock of papers regarding the recent war that she had yet to finish. She had een working on it for weeks already since she came back to the village, yet, for some reason she could not get out of it. Without much of a choice, Tsunade began to tackle the papers, but not without a huge sigh escaping her lips.

All the while, Tsunade was seething and glaring at the papers until she was almost done. There was only one piece of paper on her table to stump. She took it and place it before her, and was already raising her hand that held the stump when her assistant and apprentice. Shizune, came in with another pile of papers on her hands.

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