Author's Note

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Welcome to my Author's Note for my first novel. I want to start off by saying thank you to my dedicated readers for joining me on this wild journey. When I had the idea for this novel, I had no idea where I wanted to go with it or what it would become. I was only thirteen when I started putting this idea to paper. It absolutely amazes me how far it has come today. It is completed and undergoing editing. Thank you to all those who have helped me critique, revise, and edit this first novel. I wouldn't be where I am without you.

Special thanks to my editor Juniper who has been dedicated to helping me create the best story I can.

The journey in which you are about to diverge is far from complete. The novel will be modified, manipulated, have scenes added and deleted, and will be torn apart for the next few months, but the structure will remain the same. If you are reading the entire novel, just a heads up that there will be discrepancies starting at Chapter Twenty-Five. It is under a re-write and that chapter has not yet been blended.

Within this novel, I hope to open your eyes to a dangerous world that is unique and thrilling. I hope to help you build emotional connections with my characters that put you in their shoes as they experience the brutal world they live in. I hope you are at the edge of your seat as you flip through the pages to see what comes next, but most of all, I hope you fall in love with my story as much as I have.

I also hope to teach you the real world is a dark place full of trials and tribulations.

How you react to those struggles will determine who you are and sometimes you lose yourself in the evil. But through Spencer's mind, I hope to show you that good exists in every one of us.

It might just be Buried Deep.

Warning: The following content contains violence, the making and selling of illicit drugs, and criminal activity. There are also scenes with sexual tones. If you are sensitive to any of these, I would proceed with caution.

In Chapter Twenty-Three, The Devil's Pit, there are references to the Bible. Those words are not mine but solely credited to the source from which they were derived.

The characters and scenes in this novel are completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life people or events is purely coincidence. The novel is set in present-day Chicago.

©2018 Taylor Hallon

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