The End

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If the damn phone rings one more time I swear to god...

Ring. Ring.

I reach forward to snatch it off the hook, but a chubby hand with red manicured nails blocked me and picked it up off the hook. She glared at me.

"Chicago police department. This is Angela, how may I help you?" she said, her heavy breathing causing static into the receiver.

Bitch. She wasn't that nice to me whenever I asked her where I could sit an hour ago.

I leaned back in my chair and propped my feet up on the desk, twisting myself back and forth. I didn't know why uncle Jeff was so determined to bring me to his office for the afternoon.

I would much rather be home. That was a lie. I would much rather be with Spence.

I glanced down at my phone that rested in my purse on top of my school binder. I reached down to touch the screen with my finger causing it to light up. The screen was blank. No notifications. No messages from Spencer.

He ALWAYS messaged me back.

I heard the phone slam back down on the receiver and my head turned in Angela's direction.

"Do not ever try and touch my phone again. Your uncle might be the police chief, but this area," she said, motioning around her desk before finishing," is under my control."

She was smacking her gum as she talked.

I wish she would choke on it.

"If you would do your job, I wouldn't have to answer your phone," I said, rolling my eyes.

She stood up from her chair and I looked back at her, sneering. She smacked her gum a few more times before putting her hands on her hips and walking away.

Her green dress she had on clashed with her red hair. It made her look like a big ass Christmas present. Oh, and don't get me started about her cankles...

"Adrienne," I heard my uncle's stern voice from down the hallway.

I sighed and stood up, grabbing my bag.

What the hell did he want?

As I rounded the corner, I saw Angela standing beside my uncle. His arms were folded across his chest and his eyebrows were furrowed together. I glared at her.

She had gone and snitched on me.

"Yes sir?" I asked as I came to a stop in front of them.

"Angela here told me you've been distracting... I told you to sit out in the lobby and be good. Why is that so hard for you?" he asked, touching his hand to his chin.

"I'm sorry, uncle Jeff. It won't happen again. I'll be on my best behavior." I said, my eyes locking on Angela.

He turned to head back into his office, pleased with my response. Angela stepped past me headed back to her desk. I sighed and continued down the hallway, deciding some fresh air would be good. I pushed the back door to the station open and stepped outside, the cold Chicago air blowing against my face. I shivered and pulled my jacket around me more.

I was still adjusting to the whole 'cold' thing. Back in California, a cold day was if the temperature dropped below sixty-five and that happened almost never.

I stepped through the snow over to a bench and sat down on it, placing my bag down beside me. I watched as the snow mobiles drove past shoving the snow that had built up in the street to the side, clearing the path for cars to drive. I glanced up to take in the view of the city from my spot on the bench. The tall buildings lit up the sky and sparkled in the distance.

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