Chapter Fourteen [Trouble in Paradise]

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It wasn't Adrienne. Stop, Spencer. My mind screamed at me as it tried to wake me from my half-asleep, half-drunk state.

Her soft hands worked my jacket off my arms in a swift, effortless motion before they moved up my arms. She leaned close to my ear. Her breath washed across my skin.

"Roll over, Spencer," she whispered as her weight moved away from me.

I rolled over, a willing participant in her game. Her talented hands started at my lower back, slowly massaging into my tight muscles before they worked up my back. A husky groan escaped my throat because the pleasure was undeniable.

My mind was clouded by Adrienne. The last time we slept together crept into my mind as the soft hands continued to my shoulders. They worked through the tension-filled knots located there.

After a minute, I twisted my body beneath her so that she was straddling my waist. My hands roamed across her body, feeling every inch of her soft skin and enjoying her curves in the dark. She moaned in response to my touch. My breathing increased as the blood traveled to my dick.

"I am so glad you agreed to this . . . You need to let off some steam. You're feeling very tense," the temptress whispered.

She wanted to pull me further into her trance, but the first words confused me. I agreed to do this?

My eyes flashed open, and the darkness was all I could see. I moved my body from under the girl, leaping from the bed. I stumbled through the dark to the door. My hand fumbled along the wall until I found the light switch. My eyes landed on the girl in the room with me. My jaw dropped, and my whole body iced over. It was Bekka.

I stared at her from across the room. "Why are you in here?"

Bekka sat on the bed with her legs folded, her hands resting in her lap. Her long, dark hair hung down her shoulders, and she smiled at me, her hazel eyes trying to pull me in. She climbed off the bed and skipped over, halting to a stop in front of me. Her hands grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and she pulled me to her.

A crazy lust filled her eyes as she leaned close to me. "Because I want you. I want to feel you inside me."

God. She was like a seductive vampire trying to lure me in to suck my blood. I pushed her hands down away from my shirt and stepped back against the door, trying everything to create space between us.

"You know I can't do this. You have Cam. I'm sure he'd be willing. You were all over him earlier."

She rolled her eyes before letting a frustrated breath escape her. "Cam is great in bed." She licked her lips. "But sleeping with the same person gets old to me. I want something new. I was all over him tonight because I was trying to make you jealous." Her hands attempted to slip beneath shirt as she stepped to me again.

I dodged her advance and backed over to the bed. "Well, I'm flattered, really, but I can't do this to Cam. He's like a brother to me." I leaned to grab my jacket from the floor.

I would never do anything to show disloyalty to Cam, but the real reason I couldn't sleep with her was because my body only wanted Adrienne. She was the one who could satisfy my desire.

Bekka moved her hands to pull her shirt over her head, exposing her body to me. She wore a red lace bra and her short skirt. She had curves in all the right places, and a diamond belly ring that I'm sure would be fun to explore. I bit my lip, gripping my jacket in my hands. Fuck. I was trying to be good.

I slipped my jacket on my shoulders and adjusted the collar. "No, Bekka. Put your goddamn shirt back on." To avoid temptation, I kept my eyes down.

Buried Deep ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora