Chapter 7: Truer Words

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"I'm not telling him." I hiss at Jasar, "And neither will you! Got it?"

I stand in front of Cassandra, Gaius and Jasar. The three think they cab convince me to tell Kohl about knowing I'm his Mate. They keep trying to push us together. While I'm not exactly ruling out the idea, I'm not jumping into something with him, especially when he can't tell me the truth.

We've started to have a better relationship. We're becoming friends and I'm relieved. The tension between us was always uncomfortable but now it's something different. It's a secret. It's something that I can understand. He seems different after his brush with death.

I guess we both are.

It hasn't gone unnoticed by the others. A while ago, the others cornered me in the woods where I've been training with Kohl. He's taken me 'under his wing'. He has stated that I need to learn how to fight. I'm not sure if I wholeheartedly believe it's out of the kindness of his heart. I can't really read him anymore. I wonder if I ever read him at all.

I find myself in a clearing with Cassandra, Jasar and Gaius. We've been arguing for five minutes about my knowing about the connection with Kohl. Gaius seems to watch as I argue with the others. I convey to them that the conversation is over and everyone except Gaius leaves.

Gaius treats me with a kind of respect I wouldn't think of a powerful werewolf leader. He treats me like an equal not some gold fish or an inevitability. I can never sense how annoyed he is with me though he must be. I have a feeling he's just as annoyed with Kohl.

I guess Kohl and I have more in common than we think.

Gaius folds his arms and gazes at me.

"What, Gaius. Or Alpha." I correct. I sigh at him, "I'm not telling him. It'll make things weird."

"They aren't already?" He asks.

"Not as weird as they can be. Kohl and I are actually getting along. I think maybe us knowing this but not expressing it makes it easier."

" the dumbest thing I've heard since Kohl opened his mouth. You two really are two halves."

"Gaius!" I laugh, "I just mean...I'm not a wolf. I feel things for him but it's not as strong as it probably should be. I think that getting to know him might jump-start it. Besides, I'm not a jump first and think later kind of guy."

"You got into a car with him and traveled away from everything you knew." Gaius says with a shrug. The action brings Kohl to mind. He does this, much like Gaius, after he makes a point. It irritates me either way. Gaius growls, "My Son is...stubborn. He needs someone like you after I'm no longer the Alpha."

"You'll still be here. I mean, it's not like you're going to die in a battle to the death...right?"

"No, my Son will not have to kill me if I don't relinquish my title readily. He's not that kind of man." Gaius explains.

His choice of words seem to indicate something very sinister. I can't shake the ominous feeling he's giving me. I'm about to ask him more about the tone when I hear the sound of running. Gaius hears it as well before turning to the sound.

Kohl appears from behind the trees in a pair of grey sweat pants hugging his lower half. I'm starting to think that he can sense when I'm aroused. I first noticed when I woke up after they 'rescued' me. When I felt attraction towards him, Cassandra and Kohl seemed to notice. It's just another annoying thing he's doing to test me.

I can't stop staring at his broad chest and the smattering of hair across said broad chest. I look to Gaius, who smiles knowingly. I make a mental note to murder both of them while they sleep.

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