Sneak Peek: The Prey

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I follow Kohl into the hallway, questioning him intently. I hate surprises that flip my world upside down. Call me an asshole.

"So, you're telling me that this doesn't bother you in the slightest? None of it?" I ask with annoyance, "They not only kept this from us for months but are we supposed to be okay with...him in our relationship."

"It's not ideal." Kohl says dismissively, "But there has to be a reason for it."

I can't believe what he's saying. I may be a little unreasonable only because I just learned that my relationship just got increasing more complicated, my scent is going to linger and grow until he comes back and the pack could be in trouble soon.

I have a lot going on.

Kohl walks over and takes my shoulders in his hands, "Hey, listen! Nothing is going to come between us. You're mine forever. We'll deal with it when the time comes."

As if on cue, the door opens and a rather shaggy McKennon walks through the door, casting his knapsack to the side. He stares at us, his nostrils arching. Kohl's hands tense on my shoulders. I can barely tell because my whole body has done the same.

"You're not, at least, going to say hi?" McKennon asks.

I feel irrationally angry. The guy is gone for months with no correspondence and walks back into the pack house like this is his home. His return at this exact moment signals something. The way he sniffed the air signals something. It's an unwelcome change.

And, call me an asshole once again,  but I hate having my world flipped.

I walk over and punch him hard in the face. He quickly falls backwards, clutching at his nose. Kohl walks over and hugs me from behind. I feel a wave of calmness wash over me when I realize what I've done. McKennon is staring up at me with wide eyes, his hand covering his bleeding nose.

"Fucking crazy human! What was that for?" McKennon asks.

The story

Parker and Kohl have been through rogue werewolves, the realization that they are soulmates and a lot of family dysfunction. Through all of the insanity, the two have remained closer than ever. With a looming threat to the pack and the emergence of a couple of new dangers, their relationship is further complicated by a new presence in their relationship.

McKennon survived Viceres and left the pack. He had no plans on coming back until he began having dreams about the pack. That would be incorrect. McKennon began having dreams about one specific human in the pack.

With McKennon's return to the pack, chaos follows. The three men will have to take on two new threats as well as their complicated relationship.

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