Chapter 11: The Wolf and The Baptist

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I watch as Jasar and Akari advance towards me.

After last night, Gaius and Kohl believe I need to test out my newfound strength. Of course they do. I'm starting to wonder if the two are different at all. I can't help but feel a sense of ease as I watch them. The two of them are hesitant to hurt me for obvious reasons. They truly believe me to be the future Luna of this pack and they may be correct. I know what a Luna is and I am not here for it.

The other reason is that the future Alpha is watching closely.

Talking about future Alphas and Lunas gives me hives. The Alpha and Luna are decidedly undecided. I haven't spoken with Kohl about last night and I feel we need to have that discussion. There's no denying that we have strong feelings, neigh love, for one another but it all feels so expedited. I like to go slow but I can't with him. I wonder if this werewolf drama will ever get old.

I snap out of my thoughts when I realize Jasar is heading towards me. I've lost sight of Akari. With Jasar a few steps in front of me, I close my eyes. I can feel all around me. I am connected to everything. I can feel Akari advancing from behind. With a small spin, I move out of the way as Jasar and Akari crash into each other. The two of them stand and growl at me.

I watch as Jasar's right claw swipes at me but I grab it and use Jasar's palm to knock Akari back before flipping Jasar onto his back. I take a step back as the two wolves stand in front of me.

"Holy shit!" Akari says with an enthralled expression, "How did you see me coming?"

I shrug at them as Kohl walks over to us. I'm not sure I saw them as much as felt them. I feel connected to the Earth. I finally feel like what they've been saying is real. I could be some kind of deity.

My mom is going to flip out.

"You're not hurt?" Kohl asks.

"Him? You're serious?" Jasar pants, "The Luna—"

"Can we refrain from calling me that until I'm actually the Luna? Or at least call me the Alpha Sequel or something?" I ask. The three of them gaze at me with exasperated expressions. I roll my eyes, "You do realize that I'm not an actual Luna, right? Lunas are women. Also, is it common to have two males as mates?"

"Not common."

"But accepted?" I ask.

"Yes," Kohl nods, "The Moon Goddess doesn't make mistakes."

"Sorry, I'm Baptist." I shrug.

"Betas, please excuse yourselves." Kohl says as Jasar and Akari leave. The large man smiles down at me and I find this new side of Kohl intoxicating. Kohl waits until they've passed beyond the trees before speaking, "I've been waiting all day to get you alone. I couldn't think of much else but you."

"Okay, is this weird?"

"Two men?"

"Us?" I ask, "Is this what all the tension was? Our obvious attraction to each other that everyone else sees."

"A bit but only because I wasn't honest."

"Neither was I. You sure I'm the one, though?"

"You're my mate. As a wolf, I cannot and will not entertain any other individual in this life." Kohl explains, "I could reject you and you could me."

"You were almost romantic."

"I just want you to know your options. It could be deadly."

"This conversation is going downhill very quickly." I say trying to ignore the words coming from his mouth, "Are you nervous?"


"That's surprising." I say with confusion.

"You're my mate. Our bond is strong and growing every day. Soon, you'll be able to read my emotions. I'll have no need to lie."

"Do you always get expositiony and clinical when you're nervous?"


"Kohl, this is a big deal but you don't have to be nervous. I'm not going anywhere. Remember, Moon Goddess and such."

Kohl exhales and nods to me, "This is going to sound strange but I want to mark you."

"Mark? Like pee on me? Not my thing but neither were werewolves."

"No! Not—I mean, if that's something you'd be interested in, we could try that." He laughs, "I meant to make you mine, to show everyone you are mine."

"And how does one do that?"

"I bite you. On the neck. Or the leg. Anywhere you would like."


I take a deep breath. This is a big step. I've been reading up on marks. Well, I read one passage on what it is. Okay, I read a paragraph but it was a really long paragraph. I don't know everything about werewolves but I know that marking me is the same as putting a big sign on me that I'm his. It sounds so weird to hear or even think about me being his.

This is all very peculiar.

"Sounds promising." I say without thinking. A very roguish grin stretches the length of Kohl's face and I laugh, "Is it me or does this seem more...normal?"

"It'll feel that way from now on."

"So, you bite me? And then?"

"I'm not going to lie to you. It will be interesting. We will be territorial with one another. Our hormones will be too much at times. We won't be able to hide our...arousal."

"So, incredible and oft times embarrassing? Sign me up." I say as I step in front of him and lean my head to the side, "So, my arousal will get you hard?"

"Same for you." He smiles.

"Challenge accepted." I say with a chuckle.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" Kohl asks as his teeth elongate into sharp fangs, "Game on."

I watch as he grabs me by the shoulders. He puts his head by my neck and whispers that this will hurt. I shrug at him, ignoring his warning. I shouldn't have ignored his warning.

In a few seconds, I feel the most searing pain on my neck. I feel his teeth sink into my neck and the pain almost causes me to pass out. If I were still a normal human, I'd probably pass out or die.

I'm being dramatic. It hurts but what doesn't these days.

All of a sudden, the pain begins to feel amazing. It feels natural, if possible. The sensation moves through my body in a very rapid pace before he pulls his fangs out of my neck and licks the spot where he marks me. The searing pain subsides and I take a step back.

I realize that the sight of him is almost more than I can take. He's staring at me just the same. I wonder if this was the wisest move. I quickly realize that the decision was rash and ridiculous.

Much like most decisions in my life.

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