Chapter 18: Wayward Son

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"There's not two rooms up there?" I ask as I follow Kohl.

Kohl has a large screen television under his right arm and a table lamp in his left hand. He seems unbothered by my questions. He said that he expected push back and it's nice to know that he's learning me so well.

I hate his conceited disposition.

I follow him up a set of stairs and through a door. I find myself in a large sitting room. I'd call it a living room, to be honest. It has the feel of a mancave. The TV Kohl is carrying is small compared to the very large TV hanging on the wall. Beneath it is a small coffee table and both are situated in front of a moderately large black leather couch.

To the direct left is a kitchen area. The kitchen is furniture with many black appliances, including a stove, microwave built into the cabinets and refrigerator. The counters and bar area are made of black granite. It's beautiful.

Straight forward are two doors. I've seen what lies beyond those doors. One is the bedroom and the other is the bathroom. Both of which are beautiful. The bathroom is a half-bath while there is a full bathroom attached to the bedroom.

"Nope, just one room." He says sitting the TV on the ground and the lamp on a black end table beside the sofa, "We spend almost every night together. What's the difference between that and moving into a room with me?"

"The fact that this is all going extremely fast." I say looking around the room, "I went from being a mid-level worker to being the Alpha and/or Luna of an entire pack of werewolves. Maybe I need a minute."

Kohl smirks as he walks closer. He reaches out and places his finger on my mark. I feel like the entirety of my body is melting from the inside out. Kohl told me that the mark is sacred and he'll be able to tell if anyone touches it. He states that his touch will always cause an eruption when he touches it or is even near me.

I never believed him until now.

Kohl pulls his hand away, staring at me with a sense of satisfaction, "You were saying?"

"Don't do that! It was—"

"Pleasurable? I can smell. I think the entire pack will smell it." Kohl laughs.

"Not that again."

"Which reminds me that the Blood Moon, or Blue Moon, is happening soon. A day or so. I need you to be safe, especially with your...scent." Kohl stops his sentence, "It's pungent."


"I have to be with the other wolves. We will be more primal and dangerous during this time and I feel it might be prudent to move you."

"Move me?"

"There is a small bunker that only the family knows about. I think we should move you there until we've—"

"Other options?" I ask.

"You stay here and I ravage you."

"Oh yeah?"

"As well as fight off the other wolves. Maim them." He says darkly, "I know this is all new to you but you have to take my word for it. You need to trust me."

"I do."

"Then trust me when I say that the best place for you to be is in that bunker." Kohl says with a frown, "Now that it's settled, can we discuss living arrangements?"

"Can we?" I ask.

"We are already married in wolf terms."

"You tricked me into that, by the way." I remind him. I sigh, "Fine. I reserve the right to make you sleep on the sofa."

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