Chapter 15: Imported

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I've started to worry about Kohl.

The wolf is a bit more hostile than he was previously. I guess that is not correct. He's a bit more confrontational than he normally is. He uses his status as Alpha as a start and end point for all conversations. Everyone seems to tip-toe around him, even Gaius. There is some unspoken rule that no one bothers the Alpha.

I'm definitely not one of his flunkies, which is why this morning I've resolved to find my mate and confront him about his attitude.

I go to his office where he is arguing with someone. The two voices are clashing about a treaty, presumably the one we worked so hard to forge with the other packs. I know Kohl's voice as the more upset of the two and I know I must end this conversation.

I open the door and walk in just as he commands Gaius' silence by informing that he's running the pack now. I clear my throat and the arguing subsides. I ask for the room with Kohl and the others gladly leave us.

As the door closes, I look to Kohl. He seems tired. My heart physically aches for him. He was brutalized by a pack of Rogues led by his brother. I can't imagine what he went through but it doesn't excuse his behavior.

"I can't talk right now. I'm knee-deep in—"

"Oh, I heard." I say whimsically, "Whole pack probably heard. Guess you really like pushing that Alpha thing, huh?"


I hold my hands up, "Just saying. Way to instill kinship among the pack."

"So, you're the authority on packs now?" Kohl asks with a brash tone.

"No, I just know what I wouldn't want to hear. I can also tell that you're struggling."

"Struggling? I am the Alpha!"

"How could I forget? You can't stop saying it since you got back. Speaking of, we haven't talked about what happened to you." I say watching him. His hand fidgets slightly and I take a deep breath. When a moment passes, I speak, "I'd like to talk about it."

"Would you?" He asks, "Sorry, I'm busy. I have a treaty that is threatening to implod because my brother's insanity is spreading. There have been at least six other packs that have been—"

"Right now, I don't care."

"This impacts the future of our pack."

"I don't know you. I get it. This is all new to both of us but you really have to trust me with this." I say softly, "You want to be the Alpha? The more dominant of the two of us? Show me how to lead. Show me how to be stronger."

"I'm stronger."

"You don't have to be wit me, you know. You can be Alpha with everyone else but it's just us in this room."

"What do you want to hear? That they took the Alpha of your pack, your mate, and beat him within an inch of his life? That they took me in the dead of night like I was absolutely nothing. I have to assert my dominance because the pack doesn't exactly know what happened and I can't look weak in front of them. They're counting on me."

"You're a man. One man. You may be the Alpha of our pack but you are not all-powerful. No one expects you to be."

"This is why you can't speak on wolf law. You don't get it. If I'm weak in their eyes, then I'm easy prey for those who want to rule in my place." Kohl argues, "I don't have that luxury."


"Am not a wolf."

I stop speaking. Kohl is correct. I am not a wolf. It stings a bit. I don't want to be a werewolf but I'm expected to be the lover of their leader. I'm expected to lead this pack with my mate. I wonder if this will always be an issue. I wonder why I'm here.

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