Chapter Six- The Date

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(Please see dress above)

The crimson lace dress I was wearing clung to every curve on my body. It was skin tight and low cut showing off all my best assets. It felt like it was classy but it gave off the playful vibe, it was the look I was going for. A grin was spread across my lips as I admired myself in the mirror my body had began to change since I had been bitten. My muscles had became more defined and any baby fat I had left on my body had vanished. My long black hair had become thicker, darker and fuller. It was like my body had became alluring.

Grabbing my lip stick I added the last few finishing touches to my makeup, I had went for a black smokey eyes and a deep red lipstick. My thoughts began to wonder back to Kinnon as I stared at my lips, I wonder what Kinnon would think if he saw me like this? No, no , no Ellie no more thoughts about him. A sigh left my lips, I knew It was time to move on, any thoughts about a man who was going to be married where a waste of my time. I walked out of my bathroom and headed downstairs, slipping on my red platform heels I made my way to the car.

It was 19:45 when I arrived at the restaurant, my mouth fell open when I walked through the doors. It was one of the most fancy places I had ever been in, everything inside the establishment screamed money. A gulp left my throat as I stared wide eyed at the matradee who was smiling pleasantly at me.

"Reservation name please" the matradee smiled.

"Uh...the name will be" I mumbled as my brain froze. Oh my god I could have slapped myself I didn't even know my dates name. With everything that had been going on I had forgotten to ask.

"The name will be under Aros" a deep silvery voice spoke from behind me as a large hand was placed on the small of my back. I slowly turned my head to face the daring man who had placed a hand on my back and my breathe caught in my throat. The picture did not do this man justice he looked like a model as he towered over me a smirk was placed on his lips. The olive skin, brown hair and brown eyes all complimented each other nicely. It was like they made all his other features stand out, especially his chiselled jawline. Aros was wearing a brand suit that clung nicely to his muscular body, I could see his muscles through his white shirt. This man was meant to be a doctor but he look more like a mma (mixed martial arts) fighter.

"Oh Mr. Hunter, so lovely to have you back. If you both would like to follow me I will take you to your booth" My heart was racing in my chest as the matradee showed us to our table. Aros hand was still firmly placed on the small of my back. "Please take a seat, will it be the usual bottle of Chateau d'Yquem sir?" the matradee asked and Aros nodded in response as I awkwardly sat down in the booth. Aros sat across from me, his gaze was fiery as he stared at my face.

"You're beautiful" was the first words that came out of his mouth after a solid two minutes of silence, a blush spread across my cheeks. Get it together Ellie.

"I'm Ellie" was my response, I mentally punched myself for my answer as the blush on my cheeks turned from pink to crimson causing Aros to let out a bellowing chuckle.

"Im Aros Hunter" he smirked as his hand reached across the table grabbing mine, I watched as he brought my hands to his lips he placed a gentle kiss on the back of hand causing me to shiver. My body started to feel hot under his touch. This man oozed charm and charisma. He never let go of my hand and I never moved it.

"Tell me about yourself Ellie" the way he spoke my name caused my body to burn even more, I was begging to get excited just from his voice.

"My full name is Ellie Lightheart. I'm 20 years old and I'm currently studying Law at university. This will be my second year" and also two days from now I could either die or turn into werewolf. My thoughts made me cringe as I withdrew my hand, grabbing the menu I scanned over the items. "And you?"

"Im surprised your father never gloated about me" Aaros smiled as he continued "Well i'm 27. I'm a doctor who specialises in cardiology. I made my first large investment in property at 19 and I now own properties all over Aslaska. Are you ready to clap for me yet or should I try say some more impressive things like the fact that I slept with a teddy until I was 12" Aros smile changed to a big grin as he watched me raise my hands and clap at his achievements as laughter left my lips. This man must have been rich.

"I'm impressed and also curious, how do you know my father?"

"I worked closely with him when he had his heart attack" when he mentioned my fathers heart attack my body went noticeably rigid as my brain pushed down the surfacing memories of when I nearly lost my father. I had already lost one parent, I couldn't face the reality of losing another. Aros smiled softly at me taking my hand again "Your father is one of the most bravest men I have ever meet. He fought death to come back to you. You should know your his pride and joy. He spoke about you so much I had to meet you"

"He is stubborn. Thank you for saving him" I smiled as a laugh left my lips, Aros kind words stirred my heart as the heat increased.

"Here is your wine" The matradee announced as he came back to the table with an icebucket and two wine glasses. He filled our glasses half way before taking our orders.

"Cheers?" Aros asked raising his glass, a smile played on my lips as I raised my glass "Cheers". We gently knocked them together before taking a sip. The wine was sweet and bitter all at the same time.

The meals arrive not long after as Aros and I where deep in conversation. I had learned a lot about him from this one date. Aros was a very open man about his life he told me all about his family how the were rich and owned lands in the forest. He also told me about how they died and how he inherited the land and the responsibility that followed with it. The more we spoke, the harder I found it to concentrate.

My body was on fire again but this time the heat was different. It was an intense fire that started at my lowest point. The feeling of my clothes on my skin caused me to squirm as it touched my body. A thin layer of sweat had spared over my skin and soft raspy breathes began to leave my lips. I felt drunk, as I leaned back in my chair raising my hand I placed it on my neck, running it down the v-line of my dress to my cleavage. Aros body became stiff as he sniffed the air and for a spilt second I could have swore his eyes became black.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice sounded strained as he gripped the side of the table with such fore the wood began to creek.

"I think i'm drunk" I whispered as the fire ravaged my body, my hands began to tremble. As my gaze meet Aros, his lips had formed a thin line and he looked like a statue he was that still.

"Lets take you home" without even waiting for my response Aros stood up grabbing my arm he pulled me from the booth. The area he touched caused my body to tremble as the heat increased to new limits, it was so painful. I followed him to the front as he placed $400 dollars on the table for the matradee. I had noticed that Aros breathing had changed. It had became rugged and violent, it was similar to mine. He was taking me to his car, I tried to tug back from his hand but he tightened his grip.

"My car is over there" he ignored me. Aros turned round to face me and the look on his face caused fear and excitement to stir with in my body. His eyes had turned black. He roughly grabbed my arms pinning me to his car before I could say anything his lips where on mine. The crashed down with such force i'm sure my lip began to bleed. Alarm bells began ringing in my head as my body begged for his touch. The heat increased even more, what was happening to me?

"" I said in between kissed. Aros completely ignored my wishes as his kissed trailed from my lips, to my jaw and then to my neck. My body shook with excitement but my mind was refusing to accept his touch.

He's not not the one you want. The same voice growled as images of Kinnon flooded through my mind. I bawled my hand into a fist ready to swing it at his face. "Get off me!" I screamed as I prepared to swing my hand into his face but before I could hit him he was ripped off me with such force he flew to the ground.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER" A voice roared.

Hello All!

I was so excited to write this chapter I finished it in one night. Now its 7 am and i'm reflecting on my life decisions. I hope you enjoyed. Please remember to votes and comment if you did!

Also what do you think of Aros and his change in behaviour?

Who do we think saved our heroine?

Dun, dun, dunnn

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