Chapter Twenty Four- Dream

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The moon had never looked this beautiful before, It was glowing white and it was huge. From where I was standing it looked like it was touching the earth as it cast a silhouette on the trees. I felt like if I reached out my hand I could touch it, my heart was racing the moon was calling to me. 

Walking forward I could feel myself being encased in the light of the moon. It brought a lightness to my heart, It made me feel at peace. Closing my eyes, I felt a gentle hand being placed on my shoulder. Opening my eyes, I was face to face with the moon goddess, the mother of wolves.

"I have been waiting for you, my child" 

"I'm sorry my queen, this child does not know how to use her powers yet" a voice said from the side of me.

Lowering my eyes I could see Ailith standing by my side her blue piercing eyes staring into mine. Her white fur was glowing as it was reflecting the light from the moon. 

"I have so many questions for you Luna" 

Luna nodded her head, taking my hand in hers she lead me closer to the moon. When my eyes adjusted to the light I could see pillars covered in roses. The pillars lead to a gate which opened up to a garden that was filled with a sea of flowers. There was one of every kind. It was so breathtakingly beautiful. 

"Take a seat Ellie" 

There was a small table and cheers in the middles of the garden, taking a seat Luna sat across from me. I had so many things I wanted to ask her, I didn't know where to begin. I had started to feel anxious. The thought of the answers scared me.  Shifting in my chair, I felt a wet nose tap against my hand. Ailith was by my side, her silent gesture of comfort gave me courage. 

"Why am I different from the rest of the wolves? Why do I have powers?"

The mother of wolves was silent as her gentle eyes stared at me. I could see her thinking over her answer in her mind. The silence made me feel even more anxious than before. 

"Ellie, the child of a human who became a wolf. Do you know how rare that is? This is the first time a human has survived the change. You had a power in you before you turned, a power that I couldn't give. The power of an eternal love" 

"The power of eternal love?"

"It was a gift from your mother, Rose"

At the mention of my mother name my body stiffened. It was a name that rarely was mentioned. The thought of her was to painful for my father and I to bare. The day she passed away a part of me left with her. My heart stung. 

"How do you know her name?"

"I knew your mother Ellie. She was the only human I had ever Interacted with. Your mother was a woman who prayed to the moon and those prayers rung in my ears calling to me" Lunas eyes filled with sadness as she spoke, her hands where trembling. 

"At first she started praying for her health, praying that some miracle would happen and she would be cured. Rose, would plead and beg for hours for someone to help her so that she could live. This went on for weeks and then one day it stopped, she no longer prayed for herself she prayed for you"  

My heart felt like it was being torn in two as I listened to Luna speak. Tears started to fill my eyes hearing of my mothers struggle. I knew the pain she went through, my mother was a strong independent person who was full of pride. It was scary how fast she withered away in front of my eyes. I was only a child but I still remember it so vividly, her gaunt face burned into my memory.

"I had never been to the earth before but something compelled me to go to your mothers side. The first time I met her was when she was in the hospice. I will never forget her face when she seen me, she called me an angel. I spoke to your mother for hours and she told me all about her life, all about her illness and how it had spread everywhere in her body." 

My mother had died of cervical cancer, she had been complaining of pains for months before hand.  By the time the found it, it had spread to stage three. There was a 60% chance of survival. My mother tried everything from surgery to radiation therapy with chemotherapy. Nothing worked, the disease began to spread making its way into her lungs and bones. 

"The next time I visited her, I understood the reason for her prayers. Tucked in her arms, sleeping peacefully was you. The look of love in your mothers eyes made me understand everything that she prayed for. Rose loved you, more than you could ever imagine. She fought for her life just to spend extra time with you even though she was so exhausted"

Tears streamed down my face, as images of my mother filled my mind. I could see her beaming smile that spread from ear to ear. I could see her and my father the looked so happy, so full of love and life. It was cruel that my mother was taken so soon, her heart was to pure. 

"The third visit, I told your mother all about werewolves and how I was the mother of wolves. I told her everything from how the children received their wolf, to mates,  to packs. I went through everything. Rose listened intently to my words, amazed by what I was telling her.  A spark was ignited in her eyes, the spark of hope"  

Luna stopped speaking, taking in a deep breathe she clasped both hands together as her eyes glistened with tears. 

"The fourth visit, was when your Mom asked me to gift you a wolf. I was stunned that she wanted this for you. Rose explained to me that she couldn't rest knowing that one day you would be alone in this world. She wanted you to get a companion for life a loyal friend, a wolf. I refused telling her of the dangers of the change. Rose stuck her ground pleading with me. I left the room hearing enough of her nonsense. Changing you was out of the question" 

"The final visit, was just before your mom died. When I seen her for the first time in a few weeks I felt my heart skip a beat. She had went down hill so quickly, she was so frail she looked exhausted. I rushed to her side, calling her name as a head popped up next to her. It was you Ellie. I felt like I was seeing double, you looked so much like her. You reached out to me, your hand touching mine and that's when I felt it, your power" 

"My power?"

"Yes, the moment our skin connected it sparked through me like electricity. I knew that this was fate. You where the destined child, the child of prophecy who would save the wolves from the darkness. I knew you where the...." Luna fell silent her eyes staring deep into mine before she continued. 

"The gate keeper, queen of wolves"

Hello All!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,  sorry for the sad theme of death and cancer. I included cervical cancer because I feel it is very important to remind woman to get tested. 


So what did we think of this Ellie the gate keeper what does it mean?


Peace out my loves xo

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