Chapter Eight- The Lie

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Ellie never woke up the next day. I stood by the door watching her chest rise and fall. She looked like sleeping beauty, she was the embodiment of perfection. Raven dark hair surrounded her petite doll like face. Her hair was so dark in comparison to her skin that look like freshly fallen snow. It was her lips that enticed me the most they where full and blessed with the colouring of a rose. Everything about her captivated me.

"Kinnon, what are you doing?" The huffy voice of Kelly drew my attention away from Ellie. I internal rolled my eyes as I turned to face her. She was standing next to me her arm crossed over her chest as she tapped her foot with annoyance. "I told you to stay away from her. Do I need to tell Aros? you don't know what he will do to your....." a menacing growl left my throat as my eyebrows drew together in a scowl. Kelly stopped her sentence midway as her eyes opened wide with shock. Usual I could hide my annoyance from her but today I couldn't.

"I'm sorry baby" she whispered, wrapping her arms around my body as she pulled me down into an empty kiss. My wolf growled disgusted at her touch, I felt the exact same as he did as goosebumps spread across my body. I wanted to shove her off me. No Kinnon, you have to play along... You have to much to lose my conscience scolded. Pulling back from the kiss I wrapped my arms around her as I stared deep into her hollow eyes.

"Kelly you have nothing to worry about I have to watch her, as her Alpha I have to make sure she's okay. She's a member of my pack too remember" I watched as Kelly little brain started to process my reply before a death stare spread across her face and a growl left her throat. "Your pack? OUR PACK" she screamed raising her hand she smashed it across my face with such force my lip burst on impact.

My wolf eyes sprung forward as my body became stiff and my nostrils flared with anger, he could not stand for this disrespect. Kelly's eyes glared into mine as a smirk spread across her face. "What is your little wolf mad? Does he to want hurt me?" she mocked taunting me as a giggle left her lips. "Well you and him can't do shit so wipe that blood from your mouth and get ready. Your taking me out for dinner. I'm hungry" she grinned turning her back towards me as she skipped forward triumphantly, she knew I was defeated.

My head dropped in shame as my wolf snarled and bared his teeth he was seething with anger. Enough calm down, there is nothing we can do they own us I reprimanded him causing him to whimper. A sigh left my lips, I turned back to look at Ellie one last time. A sad smile crossed my lips. "Goodbye my love" I whispered before walking away.

The rest of the day was spent following Kelly around as she demanded I buy her this and that. When she said she was finally going to bed a sigh of relief left my lips. "Are you coming to bed with me?" she asked as she fiddled with her new Gucci bag.

"No I have work to do, I will be in the office all night tonight" Kelly frowned at my reply before she threw the bag to the ground tucking herself into bed. "Kiss me" she demanded. I walked over to the bed placing a small peck on her lips.

"I love you" she whispered as I was walking out of the door.

"I love you too" the lie that left my mouth made me feel nauseated. My hands clenched into fists as bile made it's way from my stomach into my mouth. The sick feeling never left me, even when I had escaped her clutches. I wanted to run. Walking through the house I bypassed my office making my way outside. I shook off my clothes inhaling the fresh air around me, I was glad to be rid of her scent.

"Come forward Tobias" I called as my wolf took hold of my body. Any tension that plagued me was swept away as a feeling of welcomed pain broke my bones. My shape changed from man to wolf in the space of minutes. Tobias was now in control, he sprinted forward making his way into the trees that lined the forest. The freedom was amazing. Hours passed before the wolf began to slow, a sad whimper leaving his lips. Thoughts of Ellie entrapped his mind, he wanted to see her.

Tobias began sprinting to the house, he ran faster than he ever had. The drive to see her was so strong that he couldn't stop himself running even when his lungs started to burn. The large wolf tipped toed into the house, the steps he made where silent and precises as he made his way over to Ellie's room. The moment he laid his eyes on her, his body shook with excitement he wanted to dive onto her and smother her with sloppy kisses.

We must let her sleep I warned him, as he began to whimper. Tobias padded to where she lay. The wolf rested his head on the bed his gold eyes staring intently at Ellie's beautiful face. Tobias gently nudged her hand onto his head. Sparks erupted throughout our entire body as Ellies eyes fluttered and a smile spread across her face. It was amazing that even in her sleep the bond could still take effect. Peace and love embraced he and I for the first time in forever. Tobias pulled back from her touch and dropped to his stomach, the wolf rested his head on his paws as his eyes closed and he drifted off into a sleep. Dreams of Ellie filled our mind.

Hello All

Sorry for the shorter chapter, I just wanted to do a little filler chapter before the change. I hope you enjoyed. This chapter was made to develop Kinnon, since I noticed a few of people are team Aros. I just wanted you to understand a little more about him.

Also what do we think of Kelly in this chapter?

Who is Kinnon protecting?

Peace out, my loves xo

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