Chapter Twelve- The Awakening

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"Are you awake now?" A smooth male voice called in my ears. My body lay frozen to the spot as I quivered with the cold. The feeling of fresh snow touched my skin, I could feel my entire body being kissed by frostbite. Sucking in a shallow breathe I attempted to move my limbs and open my eyes there was nothing , no response. A frustrated sigh left my lips as confusion etched it's way into my mind. I had no idea what was happening or where I was. The last thing I could remember was choking on my own blood as I attempted to breathe. Was I dead? Was I alive?  Fear and anxiety bubbled up inside of me, I was petrified.

The sound of a cackling laugh filled my ears as a hand stroked it's way down my cheek. My eyes fluttered attempting to open for a second time. "Yes, become scared. Souls are more delicious when they contain fear. The moment I found you half breed, I knew you would be a treat. You died in agony, withering in pain. I can feel it in your soul" I could hear the sound of the man moving forward as his breathe touched my neck. The man began taking large inhales of my scent. I could feel him shiver every time he took a breathe. "I'm going to eat you layer by layer. First I will start with your skin, making my way to your muscle. I will then eat your bones and lastly your terror stricken soul" he purred running a tender hand down my arm, I could feel large sharp nails cutting into my skin causing me to wince. 

Using every last drop of strength my eyes  flew open. Evil, empty, hollow coal black eyes burned into mine. The man who lay next to me looked like he came straight from a nightmare. His skin was pale and his face gaunt, his lips were blue and covered with dry blood. Everything about him oozed evil. My heart began to race in my chest as his mouth opened into a wide grin showing of his razor sharp teeth. The monster licked his lips, his tongue was similar to that of a snake. Leaning forward his snake tongue ran over my chest. I became stiff with fear feeling his teeth brush my skin.

 "Aren't you going to beg? I love it when people beg. It excites me" he whispered as he pulled back sitting up, grabbing my arm in his hand. My eyes widened with horror watching as he brought his lips to my flesh, his tongue lapping away the blood from the cuts he had caused earlier, a moan leaving his lips. "Euphoria" he said as his head tipped back in a form of bliss. I laid there terrified and defenceless. My heart racing in my chest. I was about to be eaten by a beast. A fate worse than death. 

"Get away from her Edhem, god of death" A siren voice called, the voice was so melodies and beautiful shivers crept up my spine. Edhem body became stiff as his eyes lazily made there way to the source of the voice. An evil smirk spread across his lips. "You interrupted my meal" he frowned, his teeth grazing over my skin as he opened his mouth to take a bite. The sound of thunder boomed through the sky as lighting hit the ground close to where Edhem sat. 

"Edhem, you will not touch that girl she is my daughter. A child of the moon" The sirens voice turned stern as the noise of thunder loudened. Edhem sighed, dropping my arm to the floor he stood up dusting off his black knee length coat. A smug expression plastered his face as his head tilted left and then right.  He took one step back before lighting flashed down striking the ground he stood upon. In an instant he was gone dissapering into thin air. My mouth opened in shock, he had vanished. 

"I'm hurt Luna that you would try and smite me down" Edhem's voice echoed through the air before he materialised back into the same spot a crooked grin stretched across his face. Looking down at me his eyes turned darker than before, his face turning serious. "I will let this girl go to you Luna. Though this trade will come at a price girl" he shrugged a sinister grin creeping onto his wicked face. "I will wait for your soul until the day you die. It will be mine eventually.Actually who knows I might even come to earth and claim it for myself. How fun." he mused as his body began to disintegrate into a murder of crows. The birds wings spread out as they flew off into the sky. "See you later Ellie" He whispered into my mind. 

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