Chapter Twenty- The Meeting Pt.2

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Everything started to make sense.

It was all slotting together  like tiny pieces of a puzzle. 

"You....You where the one who was there the night I was bitten?"

Kane nodded a smirk stretching across his face.

"You knew I would be there alone didn't you. You baited Jax into biting me so I would become one of his pack"

He nodded again. 

A cold sweat started spreading over my body at the words I was about to say next as realisation hit me.

"So that he would lead me to Kinnon...." I whispered

The roaring sound of laughter broke my train of thoughts, my head whipped round to Aros who was standing there buckled with laughter as tears poured from his eyes. 

 I felt sick watching him.

"So she does have a brain? Oh my sweet Ellie, It's so much more than that" he cackled before sucking in a deep breathe to gain his composure. Wiping the tears from his eyes, his head straightened as his soulless eyes looked deep into mine.

"Are you ready for the truth?"

I nodded, I was in shock I couldn't speak.

"Kinnon knew who you were from the start" he paused, watching for my reaction as my face twisted with confusion.

What? Kinnon knew me?

"He meet you just after my parents died, when he and I where still friends. He told me that you passed each other in the street. Kinnon explained to me that the moment you walked past him he felt the connection. The bond. Kinnon spoke about how stunning you looked he told me all about your black hair and blue eyes, he said he had never seen a girl as beautiful. He said that your smile radiated the sun. Then he mentioned he heard someone call you by your name...Ellie" Aros paused taking a sip of his drink, his face turning sour.

"I gagged with every word he spoke, I wanted him to suffer not find the love of his life, I was extremely disappointed and then he dropped the bombshell, his mate was human. A human? do you know how much I laughed because I knew for a fact that Kinnon was to kind to bring you into our world. He wouldn't risk losing you and I was right.  A week after he met you, he came to me broken, telling me he would leave you as human because he couldn't risk hurting you, he would spend his life alone. You have no idea how hurt he was and watching him suffer brought me nothing but joy"

I had to remind myself to breathe at this point as I attempted to process Aros words, Kinnon knew me and chose to keep me away from this world. He wanted to protect me, keep me safe from the pain of the change.

This conversation made me think of when I was with the moon goddess and I met all of the wolves. It made me think of the moon goddess words, how she told me two wolves would meet and fall in love and then be sent to children in order for them to meet again. She explained to me that  it was two halves of one soul destined to be together. The wolves needed each other to become whole again. I felt like crying thinking about how much Kinnon, Tobias and Ailith must have suffered. Guilt washed over me.

Clearing his throat. Aros walked over to his desk, leaning back on it his drink still in his hand as he nursed the alcohol inside. He was waiting for my attention to be fully on him. 

"It wasn't enough, I wanted him to suffer even more. So I hatched a plan, a plan to search for Ellie. You have no idea how long it took me to find you, I had started to lose hope and then one day you walked right into my hands. It was just after I finished surgery on your father you came running into the room and you where everything Kinnon described you as. Your beauty made my breathe catch in my throat and then your father whispered your name...Ellie. The name was like music to my ears, I knew it was you instantly" Goosebumps, spread across my skin as he continued to speak. 

"That's when I hatched the rest of my plan which to be honest was really simple yet brilliant. I got close to your father in his recovery, showing him what a gentleman I was. Oh it was so funny listing to him big you up. I told him how interested I would be to meet you and your father couldn't have looked happier. If only the idiot knew. In the meantime while I was doing this, I had Kane following you, figuring out your every move. What you ate, where you went how late you worked. Honestly, I was quite impressed for a human you sure did work hard. Anyway, I knew it was just a matter of time before Jax would sneak onto my land like he always did. The idiot could never let Lenna go. It was just a waiting game from that point on and then one night everything aligned. Jax was on my land and you were working late. I got Kane to chase him right to you and then just like I planned, Jax being the white knight he is he bit you to save you when in fact he was sealing your fate" Aros looked so smug as he spoke.

"The rest I left down to fate, I knew my crazy sister would not let you anywhere near Kinnon she would rather die than lose him. I just had to wait for Kelly to become insane and I knew that wouldn't take long. The bitch had always been mad, I knew she would kill you. I just had to wait for you to die and then everything would have been perfect. Kinnon would be broken he would be destroyed and weak. It would have been the perfect chance to kill him...." Aros never got his chance to finish that sentence.

Standing from my seat I sprinted over to him grabbing him by the throat I couldn't listen to him speak anymore.  Anger burned through my veins like never before as I lifted him from the ground even though he was a good head taller than me. Aros looked shocked as lightning began to zap around us the temperature in the room dropping as ice began to form. "Devil" he gasped.


 He was correct. I was ready to drag him exactly where he belonged


Hello All!

Hope you enjoyed Majesty the meeting pt.2

Pt.3 will be out next week!

So what do we think about everything that happened? 

Chapter three of my new story forbidden will also be out soon, please check it out :)

Anyway, peace out my loves xo

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