Chapter Twenty two- Silence

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The walk back to the pack didn't feel long enough. It was like I had blinked and I was nearly there . So many thoughts had been going through my mind I hadn't even realised the dull aching in my legs or the racing heart that was thudding against my chest.

What had happened back there? What had I done? 

Aros Hunter, I challenge you to alpha

Those words played over and over in my mind again and again like a broken record. I had shocked myself with those words. It was like I had no control over what I was saying, the words flew out of my mouth and I couldn't stop them. It was like my body had been taken over by Ailith as she forced our fate onto us. The fate of war.

It wasn't just the words that played in my mind, It was Aros reaction to my challenge that really shook me to my core. The sorrow in his eyes, the quivering of his lip as he spoke. The words he said....

'Ellie, this will be war between our pacts. Prepare yourself. I will do everything to take you down, everything depends on it'

What was he talking about it? What depended on me being 'taken down'. Everything was just so confusing. Nothing made sense.  My life had completely spiralled into a mess in less than two weeks. The worst feeling was the lack of control, I felt like I was being used. It was like I was a piece of a puzzle that was about to be used for checkmate but then I came back to life and ruined everything.

"SHE'S HERE!" A voice called breaking me out of my thoughts. 

My eyes had been so focused on the ground I hadn't even noticed the tall blonde man running towards me his scent was of the pack. Without a word he grabbed my hand pulling me through the forest he was leading me out of the trees and back into the pack lands. We ran for over five minutes before we finally cleared the trees. It took my eyes a few second to adjust to the change of light from being in the thick crowded forest and when I seen where he had lead me my heart started racing for another reason. Kinnon. 

Kinnon was leaning against the door to the pack house, the moment our eyes connected a shiver crept down my spine as grey orbs felt like the looked deep into my heart. We both held each others gaze as we started walking towards each other. I couldn't wait for his arms to be around me, I needed the comfort from his touch. 

"Ellie, where have you been I was so worr...." 

Kinnon stopped speaking and walking just as I was a few steps away from him. His body had become completely rigid as his nostrils flared while he sucked in a deep breathe taking in the air around him. The next thing to change was his eyes, they had turned black like charcoal as Tobias's eyes stared into mine his fangs extending from his lips. Power radiated from him. 

"Why do you smell like him!" His voice roared sending goose bumps over my body. I could feel Ailith cower in my mind. "WHY ELLIE?" That's when it hit me, Aros scent was all over my body. I had been standing next to him in his house of course I would smell like him. My clothing stunk of his scent. Reaching out to Kinnon he pulled away from me his eyes boring into mine with a mixture of anger and hurt. Without even letting me speak he turned his back to me storming away into the pack house.

"Kinnon wait!" I shouted behind him as I stumbled forward my legs felt so weak beneath me it was a mixture of exhaustion and nerves. Kinnon never stopped he just kept walking making his way through the house before entering his room. He slammed the door with such force the whole house rattled. 

When I made my way to the room, my hand reached for the handle turning it halfway before I stopped. There was loud sounds coming from the room. The sound was of wood snapping and being destroyed, glass shattering, walls being broken with fists and doors being punched into. I could feel Kinnon and Tobias's pain and it hurt, my heart felt like it was stinging from the pain. I stood there not moving, I was waiting for him to vent his frustration. The sounds went on for another three minutes before the sound of silence filled my ears. 

Turning the door handle the rest of the way I walked into the room as my eyes glanced around at the destruction Kinnon had caused. The room had been turned upside down and every piece of furniture lay in ruin. Claw marks ripped into the walls leaving wiring and brick exposed. I could feel his anger as he sat down on the floor in the middle of the room his clothes torn to pieces and his eyes where clamped shut as he fought for control. 

Making my way over to him I dropped to the floor, my knees thudding against the wood as I draped my arms around his neck as my forehead rested against his. I could feel his breathe blow against my face as his body trembled. 

"It's not what you think Kinnon, I went there to put an end to this. I would never do anything to hurt you. Please speak to me" I whispered.  

Kinnon said nothing he sat there in silence but I could tell that he wanted to speak. The words where at the tip of his tongue. I knew Kinnon was used to holding his thoughts and opinions back when he was with Kelly, it was her way or the highway. Kelly had bullied him into silence, threatening him with the death of his sister when he stepped out of line.

"Kinnon, please speak to me. I'm not like Kelly you can have your own opinion and thoughts around me. I want you to speak your mind, in this relationship we are equals. Nothing more nothing less. I want you to know how much I care about you. I want you to feel loved." 

Kinnon again never spoke but this time he moved his lips pressed against mine as he pushed me gently against the floor.  His body was on top of mine and I could feel his weight against me as sparks zapped through my body. Leaning back from the kiss Kinnons beautiful silver eyes stared into mine as they filled with lust.

Leaning down his lips where on mine again and  me this time he deepened the kiss, running his tongue against the bottom of my lip as he gently pulled on it with his teeth. I couldn't help the moan that left my lips as the heat like before began to ignite within my body. 

Moving from my lips Kinnon began kissing down my neck as he sucked and nipped his way down my skin. I felt on fire at this point as my legs clenched together just as his mouth rested in the crook of neck his lips resting against one spot that sent that sent butterflies into my stomach. Arching my body against him he started kissing up my neck again before he got to my ear. Nibbling on my ear lobe he took in a deep breathe before he spoke. 

"Can I mark you?"

Hello All!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Majesty!

Sorry for not uploading been a busy couple of weeks with Christmas and then it was my birthday last week. I feel like an old lady now haha.

I hope this chapter makes up for it, we all love a steamy make out scene and hey, who know where it might go from here.

Peace out my loves xo

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