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Mom opened the door of the car for me after she parked it in our house's car porch.

"Did you text Dad?" I asked as she helped me out of the car.

"Yeah, I did," She replied.

Things had gotten a little awkward after me and Trevor pulled back from the hug, just like they had been when he had hugged me for the first time three months back. But what surprised me the most was that he smiled at me when I was leaving.

It wasn't a wide grin but there still was a slight curve on the right side of his lips, and the smile had reached his eyes.

And his smile was beautiful than anything in this world. The way his eyes shone, the way his lips twitched, everything.

And I realized that Trevor Scofield could smile, like everyone else. No matter how hard it was to believe.

It still was surprising to see this side of his.

He had helped me walk towards the living room where mom and Natalie, Trevor's mother, were sitting.

Yep! I just got to know her name when mom was waving her good bye.

Mom had not asked me about what had happened between me and Trevor and I couldn't have been more thankful to her.

"Adam, we're home. Are you still there?" Mom called out as we entered the house.

Trevor had told me that he would apologize to dad for everything soon. And me and mom had decided that I would too.

"Dad," I called, as we entered the room.

I could feel him walking towards us.

Soon, I was in his arms. He hugged me tight cried silently.

"I'm sorry," he whispered between the sobs.

"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have misbehaved." I said.

"I love you so much," he said, kissing my forehead.

"Can I join too?" Mom's voice interrupted us.

We both chuckled and she came in, the three of us hugging for a long time.

I wondered what got him so emotional that he was crying and, why did he hug me so tight, as if he was afraid to let me go.

"I'm just going to freshen up little." I said and marched towards my room, as I felt an intense need to take a bath right now.

But I had just closed the door when I heard my dad whisper what I wished I shouldn't have heard.

"She has her intercranial surgery tomorrow. If we don't take her, we'll lose her. And if we take her, there is only a sixty person chance of her life. I just recieved the call." Dad said.

I quickly opened the shower, only to let my tears get mixed with the water.


A/N: So why this chapter is so short? Well, I tried to make it long but, the upcoming scene did not go well with it.

Also, this book is nearing the ending, since it's in the short story category.

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