•• Author's Note ••

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Hello people! I know, I know you want to kill me hard but, can I have some time to explain a few things before that.

First, I'm a little sad that this book has ended but I actually loved writing it and it really was a great journey.

I know you are a little annoyed, but I'm thinking of writing another book (which will be a little happier than 'My Blindness' and the plot will be a lot different). But I'm not sure when will I start off with it, since I'm pretty busy with my studies currently and am heading towards one of my very crucial examinations.

I'm sorry for not making a happy ending but let me tell you something. You see, it's not too important for a story to have a happy ending. Optimism is not realism, and I truly don't believe that you can always carry on with your life, while looking at the bright side of it.

And there's a huge difference between bright and positive.

On the other hand, I saw how you people hated Trevor in the start for being so rude to Sarah. It was suppose to be like that. And that's exactly what I wanted to signify. It happens in real life too, right. We judge a person by their outer behaviour, not knowing what they feel for us inside.

And I'm not saying you're wrong for hating Trevor, because this is human nature.

Sarah was like this too. And you loved her because she too, was saying she hated him because of his outer behavior. It was later on that she realized that he had the right to be so cruel but instead, he did not do anything to her. He respected her. And respect matters more than love.

If a person does not respect you, how do you say they'll love you. That's what most writers are oblivious to. The guy does not respect the girl, her beauty, her body, then how come can he love her? Whereas, Trevor respected her and promised her that he'll not touch her.

And I know that not every story ends happily, right. In real life, there are many people wishing for happiness but they just don't get it, even after wishing hard.

I know, fiction is an escape from the real life, but there should be something that keeps us close to the reality.

And yes, I also know there are many questions you people want to ask.

So you can just spam the comment box of this chapter or ask me the questions in PM and I'll answer them as soon as possible.

And please don't forget to share this story, if you liked it. I can't be more thankful if you do. ^•^

But please, do not copy my work. Plagiarism is punishable by law and you all know that.

And, you can find me on instagram by my username @fraeils. I love to come across wattpaders on there. 

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