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Claire Pov.

A warm sensation beams onto my skin—gosh, it feels heavenly. A strange, salty smell fills the air, as the sound of crashing waves invades my consciousness. I lift my eyelids only to be met with a half sun, hanging low in the sky, confirming that the night shall begin shortly. I pull myself up and further search my surroundings. I'm lying on a bed that has been placed in the middle of the balcony.

Hey, this wasn't here last night. Nonetheless, I'm very grateful. That was the best sleep I have ever experienced in my eighteen years of living.

I look down at myself. The beautiful emerald dress clings to my skin snugly at the top and flows loosely down my legs. My skin glistens in the sunlight.

Wait a minute. I don't remember putting this dress on, and I damn sure didn't take a bath. The honey, milk, and oats fragrance of soap that booms out of my pores say otherwise.

That only means one thing: That blood-sucking leech changed my clothes. Pervert! He must have washed my body in my sleep. Speaking of which, I don't remember falling asleep or leaving the closet to come out here.

A white bird with a long brown beak lands on the bed. Its beady black eyes stare at me as it moves its bald head side to side. I have never seen this type of bird before. Honestly, I have never really seen a bird in person at all.

I stretch out my arm slowly, deciding that I want to feel its texture. It squawks at me and flies away. My hands grip the comforter beneath them.

Now, back to that perverted leech.

If only I knew how to escape this place, I'd open the door and fry his ass to a crisp.

With that thought, I roll out of the bed and search my surroundings for a second time, attempting to locate some sort of landmark that would identify where his kingdom is located.

I may not have paid attention to any other subjects in that god-awful school, but geography always fascinated me. I paid close attention to the different climates of each continent and very close detail to certain landmarks to tell them apart.

The vampire instructors only filled our minds with a little knowledge of important subjects. They focused on teaching us how to be perfect slaves instead of how to be smart beings. Thank God I wasn't that dumb to fall into their trap.

A moment passes, and I'm still unable to identify any landmark. More birds like the one that sat before me continue to fly in circles closer towards the water.

Bird. Water. And Sand. That doesn't help much. Birds, water, and sand. Birds! That's it. Right there, birds! If I can manage to sneak into one of his massive libraries, I'm sure I can find a book about birds, and even I know certain types of birds only live in certain places of the world. Bingo!

I move around in a victory dance. Then I lie back on the bed and vividly memorize each detail of the birds flying over me. The sun starts to fall, disappearing and bringing forth the night.

I guess I shall head inside and get ready for this meeting with whatever blood-sucking friends of King Nicklaus. I wonder what he's doing anyway. I'm pretty sure he was aware of the exact moment that I woke up. The vampire instructors always seemed to be able to identify when we were awake or asleep. If they could, I know that he is no different.

I take one last look at the beautiful body of water. Not one picture in any book that I have ever read actually captures the true beauty of this large body of water. I slide the glass door open and take a step inside his room. The blood-sucking pervert is still fast asleep. It's so strange. He actually looks like a harmless human. Well, a supermodel, badass, sexy kitten, human while he's asleep.

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