|55|~ Time To Bathe~

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Claire POV.

Claire in media

Xander explained everything after Nicklaus angrily stormed out of the room.

Apparently, Embry went apeshit in the afternoon, trying to control her wolf. Xander told me that if a werewolf denies its inner beast the opportunity to shift when it needs it will fight for control. And if the human loses the fight, they go apeshit, which is exactly what Xander said had happened to Embry.

It's crazy, right? Xander thinks that Embry's inner wolf was controlling her mind and body. Her inner wolf overpowered her human. He explained that there have even been cases when the wolf takes full control of their human form for the rest of their lives. Xander doesn't understand how or why it happens. He just knows that it can happen.

He also told me that I somehow achieved the impossible and freed her from her wolf's hold, but it came with a price—my life. Nicklaus saved me by giving me his venom. He attempted to change me. Keyword: attempted. He gave me his venom in hopes that my body would accept the change.

Now here's another mystery: I rejected the turn and miraculously my heart started to beat again. It beats low, faint, and weak—but it still beats. I'm still human for now, which is alarming.

Xander said he had never seen anything like it, ever! They are all freaking out, which is why I'm in prison. I am detained in Nicklaus's room and on bed rest and under strict surveillance by none other than Mr. Meany. Nicklaus somehow found a vampire doctor to run some test on me like I'm a lab rat.

Xander left a couple of hours ago. He went to make sure that Nicklaus and King Cyrus don't rip each other's heads off. Judging by how long he has been gone, that must be a nearly impossible task. He assured me that Embry is safe, but Cyrus took her away when I was sleeping. No one knows where he took her to.

My mind is spinning. I must admit I am worried. Who wouldn't be, really? I could have died, right. But let's not also forget that out of nowhere I was able to access some foreign power that could basically achieve the impossible, and no one understands how or why I wielded such power. I mean, come on. Nicklaus and Xander have been around for centuries, I think.

This brings me to worry number three. They have been around for a long while, and even they can't seem to explain what's going on with me—how I died and then somehow came back to life without becoming a vampire. I'm a freak of nature. Am I even human? I feel like I'm some unknown species.

Nicklaus is still pissed at me. He has been back and forth to make sure I'm still breathing, eating, and on bed rest. But it seems like I'm more of a prisoner instead. He leaves again without even sparing me a single glance, not that I want him to. I'm still just as pissed at him as he is at me.

Okay, that's the half-truth. I am pissed, really pissed. I'm upset with him for lashing out at me. Even though I do understand why he did it, I can't help that I feel the need to save other people, just like he can't help that he needs to sink his fangs into them. Regardless, I need his comfort. I need him to tell me it's going to be okay. I don't think it's fair that he is acting as if I don't exist. It kind of hurts.

Okay, that's another half-truth. It actually hurts a lot more than I care to admit.

That's all I can think about. My own thoughts are driving me to the brink of insanity. I've been lying in bed ever since Nicklaus snapped, and that was last night. I don't have the energy to move. I'm tired of lying in my own prison. So, I pull myself up and get out of bed.

It's early morning—a new day for a fresh start, hopefully. I'm going to see if Nicklaus will still take me to see Mecca. I don't think he will, but it doesn't hurt to try. I miss her, and I need to make sure she is okay.

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