|51|~Time sensitive ~

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Nicklaus POV.

Even after I take another shower, Claire's essence remains on me, clinging to my body like a second skin. Just thinking about it makes me hard.

I'll hold on to the memory of her sweet, tasty arousal to the end of time. Her taste—sweet like candy—has satisfied my monster for a moment. We shall never be completely full when her honeysuckle dish is being served.

Based upon Claire's sexual reaction, I can tell that she has never been pleased during those dreadful sexual encounters she has experienced. I don't think she had ever felt a climax, until I explored her delicious and precious jewel with the tip of my tongue.

I'm almost positive I'm the first and only person that has tasted her cum. In fact, I'm positive that I'm the only one who has caused her to have an orgasm. And I shall be her last.

With that thought, I freshen up and quickly leave the room. I'm extremely eager to get this meeting over with, just so I can get back to exploring that God‑given body of hers.

Xander is sitting in a chair placed directly in front of the entryway of the west wing. He seems to be thinking as he looks out of the window, lost in his own world. I knew he was here. I picked up his scent the exact moment Claire's body gave in—that delicious beehive of a body that's filled with the richest honey. She hosts the most expensive honey money can buy.

Xander hasn't noticed that I exited the room, which is strange. Something must be bothering him. It's not like he does not pay attention to his surroundings. He's a powerful vampire, almost as powerful as me.

My vision zeroes in on him. I notice that his eyes don't hold their usual warmth and his lips aren't anywhere close to a smile.

I know Xander overheard my little tasting session. If this was any other time, his eyes would be bright, and I would want to knock a smirk off his face.

Even though his unusual behavior didn't flash warning signs, his body does. It goes stiff the moment he senses my presence.

Xander stands to his feet. "Pardon my intrusion, but I thought it would be best if I was the one to tell you."

Something is really off. Xander has never given a fuck about interrupting me, and he damn sure doesn't apologize for anything. He doesn't even properly address me or utilize my title, not that it matters—he is my brother, so he can do that.

"Tell me what?" I ask, ignoring his strange behavior. I don't know why he is so upset, but right now I don't have a care in the world. Nothing can destroy my happiness. I have finally found an eternity of happiness.

That reminds me, I need to speak to Claire about accepting immortality. Hopefully, she will agree. She has to.

Xander clears his throat.

Oh right! Back to the current task at hand. Fuck, I'm acting like a lovesick puppy.

"We have been summoned," he speaks through clenched teeth.

"We have been summoned," I repeat in a low voice.

Summoned? We haven't been summoned in over a century, since my father officially abdicated the throne.

It takes a second for his words to sink in, and when they finally do, my hands clench into a tight fist. A tidal wave of exasperation and anger seeps through my pores. Only one soul in this reckoned universe is powerful enough to summon me—my father! Who the fuck does he think he is? How dare he? I'm the king of all kings. That bastard of a man irks my very existence to the very end.

"How long do we have?" I cut straight to the point.

"Your father has demanded an audience at once," answers Xander. "All of us are required to attend."

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