|66|~ A Drunk Mind Speaks a Sober Tongue~

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Nicklaus POV.

I stand outside the door to listen to the rhythm of Claire's gentle heartbeats. She doesn't have to speak for me to be able to determine what she is currently feeling. Her heart rate gives her away every time.

I hate that she blocked me from feeling her emotions. She's so goddamn stubborn.

Her heart rate increases for a few seconds before it returns back to a steady rhythm. What is she thinking about? I wish I could still get inside that pretty little head of hers. I miss her thoughts. She's so entertaining. I wish she would speak to me, yell, shout, or scream. I'll take that. Her silence is killing me. I want to hear her velvety tone and fluent idiomatic expressions. Sarcasm just drips off her honey-laced tongue.

Shortly after we take off, I make my way to the other side of the plane where the men have been patiently waiting. I need a drink. Something strong, bitter, and full of toxins will be perfect. It is going to be a long flight, and we have many anticipated fights ahead of us. Alcohol is heavily required. Jack Daniel's shall be my best friend.

On the other side of the plane is a bar, equipped with a bartender. I'm sure the guys are already starting their personal session.

As expected they are already sitting on the bar stools, entertaining one another. Xander and Marcellus are bickering back and forth, with drinks in their hands. Vlad is sitting a couple of stools down, lost in thought and downing poison. What the hell has gotten into him? He's not the friendly type, but he damn sure isn't a loner either.

I take a seat right beside him. Without being told, the bartender places a glass of Jack Daniel's on the rocks in front of me. She flashes me a flirty smile and attempts to start a casual conversation, which only results in a big epic fail.

Rebecca the train is a lower-level vampire slut that gives blow jobs, makes good drinks, and loves to please me any way she can. That's it. She takes orders from me and only me. I have allowed the men to sow their royal oats if they wanted to during many of our trips.

I forgot to fire her. If Claire finds out, she will be pretty goddamn pissed. Maybe I should kill her to avoid future conflict.


Now that I think about it, that would make things a lot worse. Claire would feel sorry for her. She can't help it. My queen is the epitome of merciful. I, on the other hand, am not. That can be a great balance for our union, I suppose.

But I'd rather get rid of this slut altogether.

Knocking my drink back, I turn to face Vlad. He looks troubled, like a sorrowful man lost in the glass of hard liquor. He seems oblivious to me watching him or sitting beside him, which is so unlike him.

Vlad is in charge of my security detail because of many things. One of the best qualities he possesses is his attention to detail. Usually, he has a third eye but not right now.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask, taking another sip of the fucking sting.

Fuck, that tastes great.

It's nice to know that Rebecca is good for something other than an easy fuck.

Vlad looks up from his glass of escape and sighs. "Yeah, I am, Your Highness—"

"You can skip the formalities, Vlad," I interrupt him, taking another sip. "You have earned your place at the table to be called brother." I put my free hand on his shoulder.

He looks taken aback at first. I can't blame him. Only a select few—mostly the other kings—are aware of this side of me, and that includes Vlad. His loyalty and devotion to my queen and me are unquestionable.

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