|18|~Royal Traditions Part 1~

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Claire Pov.

No sooner than my eyes land on him—by accident—King Cyrus smiles from ear to ear, fangs showing and eyes gleaming.

Jeepers creepers! What is this vampire's problem?

"I see, someone still doesn't have manners?" he hisses (an ugly, chilling, bone-chattering hiss).

He is so creepy. I just don't understand why he keeps intentionally fucking with me. First the incident in the hall, now this. What does he want from me?

Your blood, says my own little voice inside my head. That's exactly what he wants, to end me. The funny thing is, all he has to do is ask. I won't fight against it. Seriously, he will be doing me a favor. A big one.

"Cyrus!" King Nicklaus draws everyone's attention towards him as he slams down his fist and says, "We have much bigger issues to discuss. My toy can wait." He pauses for a second and places his gaze on me, and my head drops down instantly. "It shall be dealt with."

"It," I state.

Cyrus's smile widens, and the rest of the kings' attention is now on me.

Xander shakes his head in a (no) motion, but it's too late. It has already started.

"It." I make a face at him. I can't believe he just called me an "it," not a chosen, not a pet, not a slave. I mean none of those words are much better, but an, it . . . ?

"I am a person with a name, not a fucking 'it,' you weak piece of sh—"

"Quiet, slave."

King Nicklaus's voice silences me.

"You have drawn enough attention to yourself tonight, now is not the time. Trust me. Keep your mouth shut, mind blank, and head down. Please, Claire," says King Nicklaus's voice inside my mind.

And I'm absolutely stunned.

He said, "Please." He said, "Please." No, he said, "Please, Claire." He used my name.

"I said, 'your mind blank,' Claire," comes his voice again. "I can't block your thoughts for much longer. I need you to bow your head and apologize."


"Please, Claire."

"Oh right," I respond. "Sorry."

"Say it, out loud, Claire."

That's when I noticed that the others are still staring at me with blazing red eyes, ready to sink into my neck. Xander is also watching me, but unlike the others, his eyes are stormy and dark, almost black. I don't get it. However, right now is not the time. I have other things that I need to focus on, like the fact that King Nicklaus is actually speaking to me with manners, and he apologized.

Thinking about apologies . . .

"I apologize, sire. Please forgive me," I say, even going as far as standing, just to bow.

"You may rise, slave," he tells me, taking a stand himself, showing off those perfectly hardened abs.

I try to concentrate on the task at hand, but I can't. My focus is on his body. The sight of him is making my mouth dry and my knees are weak. How can I stand? It's taking everything out of me not to drop to my knees.

King Nicklaus's lips curve into a smirk.

"Stand, slave, and take a seat," he commands.

My body complies, of its own accord, compelled.

The King Of All Vampire Kings (Book 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now