[9] Kidnapper

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An azure light erupted from Claire's body, filling the area with radiating mana. It seemed as if an explosion had gone off without the boom or the debris.

The Frozen Knight shook, its hands quivered as it struggled to pull itself from the girl who had suddenly turned into a ticking time bomb. The two orbs of light in its sockets crazily shuddered and danced around, sometimes shrinking and sometimes expanding. For the first time since it had been created, it felt an unending fear wash over it as Claire's mana latched onto it.

"What?. . .what are you doing?" Two fearful voices mixed into one, one of the shuddering ball of snow and the other of Coldren.

It tried to escape, but it was too late...

A single blink and its head disappeared.

Its legs erased in the next instance.

Its chest and hips vanished into nothingness.

Finally, the two blades embedded within Claire's stomach struggled and fell down upon the floor.

Claire's figure shook once as she sucked in a cold breath, her head felt light and her body weightless. She staggered to stand.

A ball of snow floated around her, warily watching her movements. Yet, its very rotation fizzled her eyes.

She had been a normal seventeen-year-old, this would be the first time she had ever had two blades plunged into her skin. Although she could no longer feel cold, her body seemed to remember the chill of the blades.

She sighed, forcing her heartbeat to steady, and forcing her body to listen to her.

Finally, she stood upright, examining her body.

There were two punctured, jagged, holes in her black uniform pointing at her thin and clear stomach. However, there was not a single trace of a tear on her skin itself. No blood, no wound left.

'I feel...full...' She wondered in amazement for the first time since she entered this world.

For the first time since she came into this world, she had realized just how suicidal it was for a being made of ice or water to fight against her. That Frozen Knight had only spelled its doom, not only was its attack meaningless in the end as she simply healed, it had also become food for her.

Sighing to herself, she decided to retain this form for the time being, her azure eyes examined the area.

It didn't take long for her to see it as it was right below her, at the spot the knight would have been.

It was the size of a hand and looked much like a stone tablet. However, it was a crystal blue that made one wonder if it was made of ice or stone. There were small runes that continuously squirmed within its square figure--it looked like the dance of a thousand caterpillars.

Picking it up, Claire couldn't help but jump slightly at its cold touch. An icy air seeped into the palm of her hand, and she was certain, for it to have such an effect on her, anyone else that dared to touch it would have likely frozen to death.

"Asta." She called out.

A ball of snow floated down from the sky, having regained a bit of size, it was now the size of her head. There was a consistent shudder and squirm to it, small flakes of snow fell with its every movement.

She smiled, asking, "How do I use this thing?"

"Well...miss..." Asta's voice was quite unsure.

"Well?" Claire raised a brow.

"It's hard to actually explain, you have to see it...just place the tablet onto the crystal pillar."

Although she was skeptical, she decided not to doubt the boy's words.

Ice Queen in Another World V1  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now