[22] I'll Kill Him Too

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Fieth appeared, swinging his blade as a head flew.

He turned around, raising his leg and stopping a dagger with the soles of his feet as a spark of fire rang.

His blade thrust forward, piercing the goblin that had dared to try and attack his blind spot with that slow a speed.

He jumped back, avoiding the blade of a crude sword and narrowly blocking it with his own.

In front of him was a taller goblin, thin, but showing bits of muscles here and there. Unlike the naked critters running around, it not only had a sense of 'battle born' to it but also actual leather cloths covering its private part.

'A Goblin with an even higher intelligence?' Fieth frowned, 'This is getting unusual.'

Their swords clashed against each other a few times, there was a grin on the face of the tall goblin as it brought its face closer.

"I don't know where you've come from, but I'll slice you and eat you just like the rest!" It laughed, snaring and slicing.

Fieth frowned, this was the first time he had ever encountered a talking goblin, he dodged the attack. His figure spun and he kicked out.

A spark flew and the sword of the goblin stopped his kick.

"What the heck!?!" Yet, the goblin crackled in disbelief.

The souls of his feet were laced with iron.

"Why you!!" It jumped back, brandishing its weapon.

Fieth grinned, "Look up."

Chills ran across the goblin's skin. It looked up and there was a fallen blade with its tip pointing down towards its head.

It snorted, merely taking a step back and snaring, "A trick as simple as this? You humans truly are buffoons."

Fieth merely said a single word.


His body flickered.

Appearing immediately before the goblin, just as his sword was about to puncture into the ground, he grabbed it and slashed upward. A deep gash found its way across the goblin's chest and it stumbled back. It tried to quickly raise its weapon to defend itself.

"Too slow," Fieth chuckled.

His leg flew out, kicking the sword in its hand away as it impaled into another goblin to the side who soon found itself impaled with ice.


His hand moved and a head was lopped off.

He immediately jumped back, swerving his body left and right as weapons passed his side.

"Tch," He grimaced slightly, his leg had been scrapped and a cut bruised his cheek.

Alicia laughed, punching a goblin to smithereens.

She dodged a punch, sidestepping it, and threw her own out.

A tall goblin scoffed, sidestepping hers, and threw his own out as well.

Their fists met and stopped each others.

"Oh? You actually know a bit of martial arts?" She raised a brow, she could tell immediately with that clash that this wasn't a normal goblin.

"Fine! I'll be serious."

Her crimson eyes gleamed.

The goblin stopped in its track.

One second was all she needed.

A barrage of flying crimson fists shot out. The goblin's face quickly deformed before,

Ice Queen in Another World V1  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now