[48] Forest of Illusions

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The Forest of Illusions was a behemoth of a site. The group looked up from its edge, staring at the trees—spaced fifteen meters apart—which reached to the grand blue sky. They were massive, with trunks fit enough for a small house to be carved out of. Claire wondered if trees like these existed outside of the dungeon as well.

"The first few meters of the forest is the 'illusion' part of its name. It attacks you with your worst nightmares with illusions and mimics, using the very memories you bury deep," Albert Stref spoke loudly at the helm, "No matter what you see, or hear, keep walking forward. If you can get through that, the rest is as normal a forest as a dungeon has."

Claire, Via, Alicia, and Vander nodded along with the rest of the group.

"I'm glad everyone understands, let's go, then," The leader took his step forward and the others followed suit.

As soon as she stepped within, Claire's surroundings blurred as those around her disappeared. The warmth of Alicia's hand ceased.

"This iseikai really pulls out all the ropes," She muttered and continued forward, crimson eyes dull to the forest of gigantic trees. It seemed strange to her that, even with the large leaves overhead, the sun still managed to weave its way in and illuminate the emerald grass.

Then, her steps faltered as a girl blocked her path, dressed in a familiar school uniform of old. Familiar to her.

"It's amusing to see you again, Claire," The girl before her smiled.

Her body shuddered and she looked on as tears came from her crimson eyes.

"You thought I actually loved you just because I could stare into your eyes without squirming?" The figure chortled. "Just because I flattered you with sweet words?"

Claire stopped her steps.

"Hey, don't tell me you forgot about that day?" She smirked, tilting her head as she touched her lips with a finger. "Was it that shocking that I wouldn't date a girl?"

A chuckled rang as azure mana lashed wildly into the surroundings, seeping out of Claire as a chill descended upon the area. Ice crawled over the first ground, clinger onto the figure's feet, then climbed until it drowned her head.

"Of course I didn't forget about you," Claire spoke, eyes cold as she watched the person, frozen like a statue.

She stared at the figure's face, taking it all in. A girl who looked as cute as a button, with freckled cheeks, and curly brown hair. Her first friend, the one that caused her initial retreat.

"You made middle school more troublesome than it was worth."

<Loki> appeared in her hand as she took a step forward.

"Goodbye, my first love."

She slashed.

The tears froze away into snowflakes as the head of the girl came off.

The statue of ice exploded into darkness.

'Sorry, you can't make me fall prey to something I revisit every waking moment.' She thought. 'I'm much too used to it.'

She stood alone for a moment and breathed in, sucking the memory right back down into her, until it reached the depths of her soul and froze there.

Claire took another step forward, then, a scream reached her ears.


Via stood, her legs shuddered as she stared at the boy.

"You really want to spar me? Do you think my mind will change? Do you think I will take pity on you and take you along?"

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