[42] Mosted

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Just as planned, the group reached the dungeon-town of Mosted (mor-sted) by nightfall. The light of the silver moon guided the tired dungeon raiders. Although none had died or suffered any major wounds as Alicia healed those that did, it was clear to see that almost everyone was beyond exhausted.

"So this is it. . .? I never knew they built towns inside of dungeons. It looks like a place I would find anywhere," Vander spoke with awe as they walked closer, his figure blurring in and out of the physical world.

Claire watched him for a moment, wondering if the boy even noticed the state he was in, decided it was an issue not for her, then turned to the site before them.

"It does," She nodded, "Even more surprising than a city etched out of a mountain."

"I like the city more," Alicia said, "It smelled like meat. This place only has the scent of the sea."

". . .do you choose favorites from smell?"

It was a rectangular stretch of land that laid at the edge of a river; though the edge of said river was filled with pale, white, sand. The place held squat buildings made of wood, none taller than two stories, but most making up for their short stature with increased width. In essence, it was a rectangular town, with rectangular buildings, encased within a rectangular mote of short, wooden, walls that faced them.

Behind the site was a crystal clear river gleaming with moonlight and an iron tower floating atop—just barely touching the water.

"Finally," Via goodwill was the first to hurry forward, her person bloody as she descended a small hill of rock that faced the town. "God I need a bath."

"I will be asking around for any sightings of Aither and the nearest Dungeon Portal. Everyone else should look to book an inn, maintain their gear, or replenish their supplies," Albert Stref spoke, following after her and signaling Vander with him. "We will meet back at the center of Mosted tomorrow afternoon at 12 pm on the dot."

Claire's feet met sand, abandoning the rocky land behind them, and her eyes took in the litter of high torches that illuminated the small town. There was a stone boulder at the 'gate' seared with the words, 'Welcome to Mosted—Paradise in Hell. Flickering flame in heart. Pass through, venture, and seek your blazing legacy.'

"What poet wrote that?" Claire arched a brow, passing through the wooden walls with Alicia at her side.

"The one and only Erza Lamillion, founder of Mosted," A certain knight in armor spoke. "She has a certain way with words. . .I hear."

"Oh, I see," Claire nodded.

"You don't seem surprised to hear that name?" He turned his head to her.

"Am I supposed to be?"

"Naturally, she's the princess of Tress and the current holder of the Fire Seed. Those who don't know of Mosted are always surprised at its origins."

Claire stopped her steps.

"You wouldn't happen to know who and where the holder of the Space Seed is too, would you?"

"Bam Veronica? Nope. Not a clue. That girl is always hopping around. Maybe she's sighted once or twice a year somewhere, maybe not." Allen stopped, shrugged, then continued walking. "Anyway, I have a thing or two to attend to, see you two tomorrow."

Claire nodded his figure along and walked on. The streets were sparse and, really, she had nowhere that needed going to. So, she spoke as she walked, enjoying the sight of a town upon a beach in the dead of night.

"Alice, I know where we will head after this adventure." She said.

"Hmm? Tress?" The vampire tilted her head, "Maybe?"

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