[11] Should?

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A tsk rang.

"There, she's finally released, aren't you guys happy lads now?" A voice resounded, cold and uncaring of its harshness, almost mocking the listeners.

The space was completely white from the floor to the open 'roof' overhead that swam in clouds. This was not a building, only the vast stretches of an endless void of white. And in that endlessness, there was a single couch of the same pure whiteness, fitting the image of the area, it too seemed made of the figures usually seen amidst the sky, the frills in its design continually swam in white fluffs.

Upon it sat three figures,

On the far right, a woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties. Her features were young, warm, and a bit of an intoxicating beauty. Wearing a one-piece pure white dress that revealed both the valley at her chest and her thighs. Her flaming red hair flapped and her breasts jiggled as she scowled at the two sitting next to her.

In the middle, an old man, an ancient man. He seemed as if he had been sitting in that place since the beginning of time and would continue past its end. Although old, his body was larger and more robust than the two that shielded him. His face was in a constant hearty smile and flapping his hand out through his lengthy, almost Chinese, robe, he held a white bottle gourd. Taking a swing of it, almost as if to drench his perfectly maintained beared. He had declined to comment.

And at the far left, was the figure of Micheal, still in his white suit sipping his heavenly wine as he shrugged, "Just in time."

There was a scoff.

"Would it kill you to not scoff for even a moment?" Micheal sighed, shaking his head and taking another sip from his glass cup.

The Goddess directed her glare at the man at that moment, "Shut up you angel-pretender!"

A vein almost cracked from Michael's head, he turned left and snapped back, "Aren't you the old hag that gave me the idea?"

She scoffed, "So what if I gave you the idea? Both of you are still damned cheaters! The heroes wouldn't have even been born for another five hundred and fifty years, and you wanted me to play fairly when you gave me someone with the potential to be a demon lord!?! Did you want me to just watch as my world was destroyed before we even began?"

She looked at him as if boring a hole through him might just jog his brain to be smarter.

God, at least, the god of earth, laughed heartily. He didn't confirm nor reply to the other's rant. He merely stroked his short white beard as he watched that pool before them intently.

Although, to call it a pool would be wrong. It certainly seemed liquid enough, but it was clear, and it held no water. At this moment, there was only a certain scene showing upon its surface.

"In the end, it'll all come down to which side the fairy chooses," He smiled, taking a swing from his gourd once more.

The Goddess of Estea said nothing, folding her arms as her long legs crossed. Although slightly pouting, she decided to simply continue to watch the outcome of their duel. She was certain that one way or the other, she was going to win. However, she still managed a mutter.

"I can't believe you made that lass's blood have the attribute to recover power...are the two of you teaming up to work against me?"

Michael pretended he heard nothing and sipped his wine.

— — —

Claire clapped her hands together. It was a natural act, and the sharp sound resounded heavily within the empty room. Alicia's attention was immediately grabbed and she looked towards the black-haired girl, her visible left eye wide. Although the area was still dark, she stared at the azure glow between the girl's hands.

Ice Queen in Another World V1  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now