Chapter Two

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"Come on Al, please just put your jacket on right," Ginny said in a strained voice, trying to keep her patience with her youngest in check.

The late October air was cool, and the last thing Ginny needed was for one or both of the kids to get sick. Things had been rather hectic lately, and Ginny didn't have time for anything else that wasn't involved in a typical week.

"Harry! Is James dressed yet?" Ginny hollered up the stairs.

"We're getting there!" Harry called back, and Ginny sighed. 

"Come here," Ginny gave in, picking up Albus, his jacket still only half on. She took the steps carefully, Albus gripped tightly in her arms.

She stepped into James' room and took in the scene. Clothes were strewn all around the room and James was standing in the middle of the room, stark naked.

"I thought you were getting there," Ginny raised an eyebrow at Harry.

"We were," he took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"James, clothes on. Now," Ginny snapped, placing Albus on Harry's lap before picking up a pair of jeans, underwear and a long sleeve shirt.

James looked up from where he was bent over, shaking his bare butt at Harry, and stood up straight. He stumbled over to Ginny and grabbed the underwear, putting one foot through, then the other.

Ginny turned and gave Harry a look, but the look was quickly replaced with a look of surprise. Albus was sitting on Harry's lap, giggling as he was being bounced gently, jacket completely on.

Ginny just rolled her eyes and Harry smirked. Ginny pointed to a fully dressed James in response and Harry just shook his head.

"We need to get going or else we are going to be late," grunted Ginny, picking up Albus and balancing him on her hip. He was getting heavier, and Ginny couldn't believe how big he was already. He was only two!

"James, come on," Harry said, standing up from the chair. He held out his hand for James to take, but James just plopped down on the ground.

"No! I don't want to go!" He exclaimed.

"James! It's Sunday brunch! You always want to go!" Ginny cried, shocked.

"No! I don't wanna" James scrunched up his face like he always did when he was upset, and crossed his arms.

"James Sirius Potter," Harry said in a warning tone. James opened one eye to peek up at his father who had used his threatening tone.

"Well I guess you don't get to play with Teddy today. I might even have to tell Andromeda that Teddy can't stay this week," Ginny taunted.

This got James' attention. He stood up and jumped at Harry's leg.

"No Daddy! Tell 'Meda that Teddy can stay! Please please please pleeeeeaaase!" He cried, turning to give Ginny the puppy dog eyes.

"Well we better go then," Ginny responded. James raced down the stairs and out to the living room, and Harry chuckled. They used Teddy as a threat far too often, but they knew it always worked for James- besides, Teddy, who was nine now, told them he was fine with it.

Harry, Ginny and Albus all headed down the stairs and to the fireplace.

"Daddy! Can I do it?" James jumped up and down, now excited.

"Okay James," Harry sighed, but he wore a smile. He grabbed the basin of Floo Powder that was on the mantle- out of reach of any small hands.

James took a handful and threw it into the flames, and yelled "Grandma Molly's House" quite loudly. Harry and Ginny had managed to charm the fireplace to respond to any of James' commands, in which he used titles such as "Aunt", "Uncle", "Grandma" or "Grandpa".

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