Chapter Nineteen

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Harry paced the floor of the St. Mungo's waiting room. Percy, Audrey, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, George, Angelina and Ginny all sat in chairs.

"Harry, please sit down," Ginny sighed, rubbing her temples.

"They've been back there for hours," Harry said, continuing to pace.

"It's childbirth, it's going to take a while," Ginny replied.

"You should know this by now, Harry, you have two kids," George grinned, standing up and placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Mate, you're almost more stressed with this that you are when Gin is giving birth," Charlie chuckled, and both Harry and Ginny shot him a look.

"That's because when Ginny's in labour, I actually know what's going on," Harry retorted, his voice thick with worry. After everything Hermione had been through over the past year and a half with pregnancies and worrying, he couldn't help but be a bit worried about his two best friends.

At that moment, the doors came bursting open, and Ron stood in the doorway with a large grin on his face. Everyone stood up in anticipation.

"We have a healthy baby boy!" Ron exclaimed, and everyone began cheering, rushing to hug Ron.

"Congrats mate," Harry grinned, clapping his back before drawing him into a hug.

"Bloody hell, I didn't do anything. It was 'Mione who handled it like a champ," Ron grinned proudly. "I'm going to go back, but the Healers said you guys can all come back in pairs. Mum and Dad are already back there, so we don't want to crowd them all."

"I'm really happy for you Ron," Ginny grinned, hugging her brother one last time. "Now go!"

Ron took one last look at everyone before turning on his heels and racing back to the room down the corridor.

"I have 10 Galleons that the kid is a pale, freckled red head," George said after Ron was completely out of sight.

"Rose has Hermione's dark complexion and textured hair, so I'm going to take that bet. I think he will have a darker complexion, but still have auburn hair," Ginny boasted. She loved taking bets with her brothers- it was something she had somehow always been good at winning, and they absolutely hated it.

"Then it's a deal. 10 Galleons."

"10 Galleons," Ginny reached out her hand and shook George's in agreement. From behind her, Harry rolled his eyes.

"You two," he snorted.

"Hey, I never say anything about your quidditch betting," Ginny rebutted, placing one hand on her hip.

"Hey look, Ron's back!" Charlie cried in attempt to diffuse the tension.

"Okay, Harry and Ginny, you two can come meet him first, since you are the godparents," Ron declared. "The room is just down this way."

Smiling, Harry and Ginny followed Ron down the hall and to the room where Hermione was lying in a bed, a little blue bundle tucked snugly in her embrace.

"Hey," she smiled gently. Ginny could hardly notice how exhausted her friend looked because of the new- mother's glow she seemed to be radiating.

"Congratulations 'Mione. I'm so proud of you!" Ginny said in a quiet voice, walking over to her best friend and kissing the top of her head and wrapping her arms around her in a sisterly way.

"This is Hugo," Hermione crooned, moving the blanket to reveal pale skin, and bright red tuft of hair peeking out of the newborn hat.

"He's beautiful," Ginny sighed, completely forgetting about the bet she had lost.

"Do you want to hold him?" Hermione asked.

"Oh 'Mione, I couldn't," Ginny protested. "I can hold him later, you just hold him for now."

"No really, take him for the moment. He would have to go back in his cot if you don't, because they Healer's need to do an evaluation on me really quickly. Please take him," she lifted Hugo gently so that Ginny could take him. Carefully, Ginny bundled him into her arms and began slowly swaying from side to side.

Suddenly, her eyes began welling up with tears, and Harry appeared behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and placed his head on her shoulder softly.

"We're going to have another one so soon," Ginny sniffed, trying to fight the tears. "Ugh, these stupid hormones are making me emotional!"

In her arms, Hugo stirred, his eyes fluttering open for a moment before shutting once more. He opened and closed his mouth, showing off his tongue.

"Yes, are you hungry?" Ginny asked, bouncing him softly. "I'll let you see mummy in just one second when she is done, and then you'll be allll better."

"She's all done!" The Healer said, opening the curtain that she had drawn shut to examine Hermione.

"Alright, thank you," Ginny replied to the Healer. She turned and placed Hugo in Hermione's arms once more, and Hermione immediately unbuttoned her gown and helped Hugo to latch.

"We'd better get going so that the others can come see him. You did amazing," Ginny kissed the top of Hermione's head once more and smiled at the small baby that was already burrowing into Hermione's bosoms.

"Bye 'Mione. Amazing job," Harry said softly, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze before wrapping his arm around Ginny and walking out of the room.

"Only a few months," Ginny breathed. Harry stopped, a grin on his face.

"I'll be right back," he said.

"What?" Ginny asked, but Harry had already taken off down the hall, turning the corner. A few moments later, he reappeared, wearing a mysterious smirk.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked as her husband grabbed her hand and pulled her down the corridor.

A taunting look appeared on Harry's face as he pulled her into a dark room, closing the door behind them.

"I want to show you something."

(A/N: One more week of school!!!! I am finished with some of my exams, but I have like 7 deadlines this week that are bearing down on me, so what better stress relief than to procrastinate by writing? Hopefully I will have another update coming your way soon, and we can get to the bottom of this cliffhanger! Thanks for reading and I hope you're still enjoying! Until next time!!! :)

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