Chapter Five

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"We'll come pick them up around 10 tomorrow," Ginny promised, handing an overnight bag to her mother. "Thanks again for taking them."

"Of course dear, always a pleasure to have little ones running around," Molly smiled, the skin around her eyes crinkling as she did so.

Ginny knelt down to eye level with James and gave him a hug and kiss before doing the same with Albus.

"Be good for your grandmum, okay?" James and Albus nodded obediently. Ginny stood back up and gave her mum a quick hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow dear!" Molly called after Ginny as she headed to the front door.

"Love you!" Ginny called, and the an echo of 'I love you too' came at her from three voices as she exited the house.

Harry was waiting in the driveway in the car, as the party they were attending that night was hosted by Hermione's parents and all of their friends attending were muggles.

"Bloody hell it's cold," Ginny muttered as she climbed into the car, pulling her coat tighter around her. It was mid December and the evening air was frigid.

"Well dear, it is winter," Harry teased, and Ginny reached over and gave his arm a light swat.

"Just drive you arse," she giggled at the freedom of being able to freely curse without the fear that one of her children would begin to use the word.

Harry laughed and began to back the car out of the driveway and down the gravel road through the field.

Hermione had begged them to come to her parents party tonight so that she and Ron wouldn't have to answer constant questions and be introduced to everyone.

"My parents know a lot of people and sometimes meeting everyone is way too stressful," Hermione had told Ginny earlier that week.

Harry and Ginny drove into town in a comfortable silence, light music coming from the car's stereo. Ginny lowered the passenger side visor and flipped open the mirror so she could check her hair and makeup.

Her flaming red hair was swept into a side braid, tied off with a dark green ribbon that matched her cable knit turtleneck. She had applied a light coat of eyeshadow that made her eyes pop, and had swiped on some mascara and some dark red lipstick right before they left the house.

"You look fine, Gin," Harry reached over and patted Ginny's knee comfortingly. "Besides, you've met her parents before."

"There are going to be a lot of people there," replied Ginny, shutting the visor. The sun was setting and the sky was ablaze with bright pinks and purples, and the colors reflected off of Harry's face and glasses, making him look quite attractive. "You're dressed up too."

Harry had made a bit more of an effort than usual, wearing a cranberry colored sweater with a white collared shirt underneath. His peppering hair was messy, as per usual, but he managed to make the look work without looking like a slob. He had been letting his facial hair grow out a bit more recently, giving him an attractive stubble.

"We're here," Harry said, easing the car up to the curb in front of the large house and shifting it into park. "Are you ready?"

"Lets go," Ginny gave him a soft smile before hopping out of the car and starting up the cobblestone path into the house.

Harry climbed out of the car and hurried after Ginny, desperate to get out of the cold. They ascended the three steps to the porch and Ginny was about to ring the doorbell Hermione opened the door and ushered them inside.

"Brr! It is freezing!" Hermione shivered, closing the door quickly. Ginny shot Harry a look, reminding him of his previous sarcastic comment.

"Hermione, you look amazing!" Ginny exclaimed, hugging her friend. Hermione's long, dark brown hair was down in cascading natural curls. Her caramel colored skin was highlighted by the brown, sparkly eyeshadow that, making her hazel eyes pop. Her now around four month pregnant belly bulged slightly through her cream colored sweater.

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