Chapter Twenty Five

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Ginny gripped the handle of the broom tightly, the breeze blowing her hair back gently.

"Gin, would you please shut the window? It's freezing outside," Harry pleaded, walking into the kitchen with Albus balanced on his hip.

"It's boiling in here," Ginny sighed, setting down the broom and reaching out to close the open window.

"It's the middle of February and you have the window open," Harry stated, as if that was not obvious. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Besides, you shouldn't be working this hard. You've been on your feet all day."

"I'm pregnant, not an invalid," Ginny reminded him with a pointed stare.

"Yes, but lest I remind you that we can do this?" He pulled his wand out of his back pocket and waved it at the broom, which quickly stood upright and began sweeping.

Ginny bit her lip, trying to come up with a valid argument for that, but she came up with nothing.

"You need to go sit down and relax for a bit," Harry said, pointing towards the sofa. Grudgingly, Ginny trudged towards the couch and plopped down, pivoting in her seat so she could extend her legs to rest on the padded arm.

"Let me go put Albus to bed and I'll be right back. You just read and relax," he said, turning for the stairs before pausing as he remembered something.

"And for the love of Merlin, Gin, here," he waved his wand once more over her, casting a cooling charm. "Remember that you can use magic."

Ginny gave a dramatic sigh. In all honesty, sometimes she forgot she could use magic to things, which was strange due to the fact that she was the one raised with magic all around her. But sometimes, doing things on her own was almost therapeutic.

She picked up the book that was on the table beside her, and flipped it open to the dog-eared page she had left off on. Hermione hated that she refused to use bookmarks, instead bending the corner of her pages to mark her spot, but Ginny insisted that bookmarks fell out too often. If you bent the pages, they were less likely to betray you.

Ginny had just finished the chapter she was on when Harry came back down the stairs, this time without Albus clinging to his side.

"That kid," he chuckled, plopping down in an armchair beside Ginny. "Fights going to bed but the second his head hits the pillow, he's out like a light."

"Mhmm," Ginny hummed, only half paying attention as she continued to read.

"Mhmm?" Harry teased with a grin. "All I get is an 'mhmm'?"

"Mhmm, absolutely," Ginny hummed in agreeance, this time not paying any attention to what he was saying.

"Can we get another dog?" Harry asked, deciding to test how far he could get without her noticing.

"Mhmm, sounds great babe," Ginny nodded, flipping the page without looking up. Harry grinned, knowing the perfect way to snap her out of this trance.

"Alright, well... I'm going to go upstairs and get in bed..." he began.


"...completely naked," Harry smirked.

Ginny's head turned so fast, Harry wondered if she was part owl.

"Hi, how are you?" He laughed at his hormonal wife.

"You're an absolute arse, you know that?" Ginny pouted, catching on immediately to what he had done.

"Oh, I know," Harry chuckled in agreeance. "In all seriousness though... both of the boys are asleep-"

Before he could even finish the sentence, Ginny was off the couch and dragging him up the stairs and into their bedroom, closing the door behind them and throwing her shirt to the floor.

"Whoa there," Harry laughed as she practically ripped his shirt from his chest.

Ginny stopped, a hurt expression on her face. Her lower lip trembled with the threat of tears.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. Please don't cry-" Harry began, but it was too late. She had already taken a seat on the end of the bed, soft tears streaking her face.

"Gin," Harry began, choking back a laugh as he watched his wife, wearing a bra and a pair of his old sweat pants, cry on the end of their bed.

"It's because I'm fat, isn't it?" She exclaimed, her face taking on a shade of scarlet as she stood up, her emotions flashing from sadness to anger.

"You're a bloody arsehole Harry Potter!" She cried, jabbing a finger at his chest.

Harry held up two hands in surrender.

"Whoa, Gin!" He couldn't help but letting out a small bark of laughter.

"Oh you think this is funny?" She was practically hysterical now.

"Gin. I just said 'woah there'. You were being a little aggressive," Harry responded in attempt to defend himself.

"You used to like aggressive, in case you don't remember," Ginny said pointedly, crossing her arms.

Harry sighed, putting his hands over his face. This is not how he planned his night going. An idea suddenly came over him.

"You're so sexy when you're mad," he murmured, grabbing her hands and nipping at her neck. Ginny stiffened at first before melting into his touch.

"Oh yeah?" She asked, grinning.

"Oh yeah," Harry whispered into her ear. Ginny spun him around and pushed him on to the bed, pulling his pants off with ease as he showered her body with kisses from where he lay beneath her.

Ginny sat over him as his fingers began struggling with the clasp on her bra. On all fours, she leaned in to whisper in his ear, momentarily pausing his fumbling.

"Well, that's too bad," she whispered in the sexiest voice she could. "Nice try."

Without another word, she hopped up with the ease of someone that wasn't five months pregnant, pranced back downstairs to return to her book, still wearing only a (still clasped) bra.

Harry sat up from where he was lying in the bed, watching as se disappeared down the stairs. He should have known she would have picked up on what he was doing.

"I'm going to get her back for that," he murmured with grin, putting his pants back on.


(A/N: Sorry this was kind of a short chapter, but I was battling some of that horrible writer's block. But, I figured if I was going to continue publishing chapter on other stories-- GO CHECK OUT 'IT ONLY TAKE A SECOND'-- then I should update this story, even if the chapter sucks. So, with that being said, I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading! Stay safe everyone!)

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